
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Travel to Indonesia - A Country of Thousands of Beautiful and Exotic Islands

By : Martin Kleis
Indonesia, a Country of thousands of beautiful and exotic Islands, that spark off your imagination with thoughts of fine sandy beaches, huge temple complexes, great diving and the giant dragons of Komodo. The islands of Indonesia are spread over a vast expanse of ocean and technically speaking is divided by two Continents.

Some parts of the Country can be as different from each other as black is from white. The hustle and bustle of the modern capital Jakarta is like another planet when compared to the traditional Papuan tribes of the Baliem Valley. Jakarta - Not only is it the largest City in the Country, Jakarta is also the heartbeat. Indonesian's from all over the archipelago come to the City to try and find their fortune or just to survive. The face of the City is constantly changing due to the construction of new skyscrapers, shopping malls and hotels.

Jakarta is mainly a business and political City and not really a tourist destination, but the older colonial parts of the City are very interesting and the museums have a lot of fascinating exhibits.

Jakarta, like you would expect, is the most expensive place in Indonesia, as well as the most polluted and most congested. It can be very hard to cope with all of the hustle, dirt, crime and cost, but if you can you will find an exciting City with plenty to offer.

Kota - This is the old Town of Batavia, which was the capital of the Dutch East Indies and the best example of the colonial era in Indonesia. Though much of the old town has been destroyed or demolished over the years, some of the old Colonial buildings are still in active use, and the area has a definite Dutch feel to it.

The centre of the old Town is the pebble stone square known as Taman Fatahillah and this is the key to being able to orientate yourself around the sights of the old Town. The canal of Kali Besar is one block to the west of the square and runs alongside the Ciliwung River.

This was a very prosperous area and on the west bank are some of the high class homes that date from the eighteenth Century.

The Chicken market bridge is the last remaining drawbridge from the Dutch era, it is at the north end of the Kali Besar. Buses always come by on their routes and the city train also has a stop here.

Jakarta History Museum - This museum is housed in the old town hall of Batavia, which is on the south side of Taman Fatahillah. It is a well built building, which was originally constructed in 1627 and added to in the early 1700s. It was from here that the Dutch administered their colony, and the cities law courts were also here as well as their main prison compound.

It contains plenty of heavy, carved furniture from the colonial, as well as other memorabilia from the Dutch period. Open, 9am till 3pm, Tuesday to Sunday. Admission: 1,000Rp Wayang Museum - This museum is also on the Taman Fatahillah, and has a great assortment of Wayang puppets. It also has examples of puppets from other Countries like Cambodia, China and India.

This building was formerly the museum of old Batavia and was built in 1912 on the site of the former Dutch church which was demolished in 1808 as the
Dutchman "Daendels" plan to rid the City of its unhealthy areas. In the downstairs courtyard, there are memorials to previous governors who were buried on site. Open, 9am till 3pm, Tuesday to Sunday. Admission: 1,000Rp

Fine Arts Museum - Built in the 1860s, the palace of Justice building is now the Fine arts museum. It has a nice collection of contemporary paintings from prominent artists. They also have some ceramics on show from Chinese items to Majapahit offerings. Open, 9am till 3pm, Tuesday to Sunday. Admission: 1,000Rp

Gereja Sion - This church was built in 1695, and is the oldest Church in Jakarta. It is on Jl Pangeran Jayakarta near the Kota train station. The exterior of the Church is actually pretty plain but inside copper chandeliers, the original organ and the baroque pulpit makes it very appealing. Though thousands of people have been buried here there are very few tombs left remaining.

Sunda Kelapa - Just a 10 minute walk from the Taman Fatahillah, the old City port of Sunda Kelapa is full of wonderful Macassar schooners and the brightly coloured sails of these boats make for great viewing. The ships are still a vital means of transporting goods to outlying Islands.

Guides hang around the docks and for a few thousand rupiah will show you around and tell you some insightful stories. You can also take a ride out to the offshore fish market for around 5,000Rp. Admission, 250Rp to the dock area.

Maritime Museum - This is an old VOC warehouse that was built in 1645 and is by the entrance to the Sunda Kelapa. It has examples of Indonesian crafts from around the ages and has photos of the voyages from Europe to Jakarta. The building itself is well worth the visit and the lookout posts are part of the old City wall.

Just before the entrance to the museum proper, is the old watchtower that was built in 1839, it has brilliant views over the harbour. Opening hours are hit and miss, so try to find the caretaker.

National Museum - This museum, constructed in 1862, is considered the paramount museum in Indonesia, and one of the finest in South East Asia. It has a huge ethnic and relief maps of Indonesia on which you can track your travels. The museum has a variety of different cultural displays that show a diverse collection of clothing, instruments, model houses and religious items. In addition the museum has a fine collection of Chinese ceramics that even date back to the Han dynasty of the third Century.

The museum is sometimes known as the Elephant house due to the giant bronze elephant that was a gift from the King of Thailand, and that now stands outside. Open, 8.30am till 2.30pm, Tuesday to Sunday. Admission: 750Rp. Guides are around who can conduct tours in various different languages.

National Monument - This 130 metres high monument stands over Merdeka square and is Jakartas chief landmark. The construction was started in 1961 but was not finished until 1975, when it was officially opened by President Soeharto. At the base is the National History Museum which tells the story of the Indonesian struggle for independence. On national holidays and at the weekends the queues can be long. Open, 9am till 5pm, daily. Admission: 600Rp or 3,100Rp which includes a ride to the top.

Lapangan Banteng - Just east of Merdeka square is this nineteenth century colonial square. It has some of the best examples of Dutch colonial architecture in the whole of Jakarta. The Catholic Cathedral was built at the turn of the twentieth Century, and is opposite the principal place of worship for Jakartas Muslim community, the Istiqlal Mosque. To the east of the square is the Supreme Court that was built, along with the Ministry of finance, in 1809 by that man "Daendel" to replace those buildings torn down.

The Secret to Successful Cruising

People in every country of the world dream about vacationing, not just in their own country, but overseas.
Despite wishing to vacation overseas in say Europe or South East Asia, there are many individuals who are unable to do so. If you are able to take the time and set aside the money to, you are encouraged to spread your wings a bit. When vacationing overseas, you will see that you have an unlimited number of options. One of those options includes an overseas cruise.

Vacationing aboard an overseas cruise ship has a number of advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the cost of doing so. If for instance you live in the United States, to arrive at the start of your cruise you will often have to make the appropriate travel arrangements yourself. The most viable option is by airplane. The cost of flying to another country can be high and travel time can be long. Despite the length and cost of travel, many find the trip to be rewarding.

The main advantage of vacationing on an overseas cruise ship is that, in a way, you will be having two vacations at the same time. The cruise itself is one, and the excitement of travelling to the cruise is the second. Combined all into one, you have the vacation that most individuals only dream of.

If you are concerned with the activities found onboard an overseas cruise ship, you will not have to worry. Most cruise ship activities include swimming, gambling, singing, and dancing. The only difference between a domestic and an overseas cruise may be the theme. If you are vacationing aboard a cruise ship in Europe, you may find that the cruise ship decor has a European theme or style.

While the activities, services, and facilities found onboard a cruise ship are important, so is the opportunity to see foreign land. Depending on the ship in question, you may dock at a number of foreign ports. When researching the ports of call, it is important to determine exactly how long your cruise ship will stay docked there. Does the ship stay long enough to enable you to go ashore, and explore the area. That is one question you need to ask.

If you have never had the pleasure of traveling overseas, you may find an overseas cruise ship rewarding. If you are able to leave the ship and sightsee, there are a number of attractions that you could visit. This is the time when it often appears that you are on a completely different vacation. One moment you are at sea, the next on land.

Simply by performing a standard internet search, you could familiarize yourself with the city or town that you will visit. In addition to internet search, you may be able to request travel brochures. If requesting travel brochures, it is advised that you request them well before your cruise ship sets sail. By familiarizing yourself with popular tourist attractions, you may be able to visit a number of attractions in a short period of time.

By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you could make the most out of your overseas cruise. Do bear in mind that many of the cruises are extremely popular, and you may need to book well ahead.

Finding Good Deals On Family Cruises

Family cruises can be an incredibly positive experience; they allow you and your family a chance to spend some quality time together while also traveling to exotic or even local hotspots, which can be the experience of a lifetime. There are many family cruise specialists available who are there to help you plan out your trip, including cost and duration. They are also there to help you find the best deal available on family cruises.

Finding a Cruise Deal Specialist

Before you begin looking for that perfect deal for you and your family, it is a good idea to consult one of the many cruise deal specialists available. After all, nothing can really even come close to the ease and value of family cruises. Most of the time, you can find a one-price deal that covers the basic expenses, such as your meals, exciting shipboard activities, and even entertainment.

The most important factor to realize is that the services of a highly qualified cruise expert should cost you either close to nothing, or nothing at all. But if you do end up paying for their expertise, make sure it will be worthwhile by checking their reputation.

Tips to Remember for Family Cruises

Some tips are useful and some are essential when planning for family cruises. Some of the important tips to remember are: Be sure that any kids programs are up and running during the dates of your trip; check the size and location of the stateroom and the guardrails on the beds; know that some ships will have cabins that can sleep five while others have adjoining cabins some cruise ships will even offer special rates for a second cabin for teenagers.

As well, you should always check that medical service personnel will be available; double-check what kind of documentation is required, and be especially careful if your child or children are crossing borders and only one parent is on the trip. Do not forget to budget for gratuities, as this bit of pre-planning is sure to come in incredibly handy during your trip should you encounter any difficulties.

The two most popular family cruise lines are Disney Cruises and Carnival Cruise Line. Both offer a wide array of activities and programs for children and teenagers, and Disney cruises even supply the parents with pagers after they drop their children off at certain playgrounds, while babies can get laid back at the Flounders Reef Nursery.