
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Travel to Indonesia - A Country of Thousands of Beautiful and Exotic Islands

By : Martin Kleis
Indonesia, a Country of thousands of beautiful and exotic Islands, that spark off your imagination with thoughts of fine sandy beaches, huge temple complexes, great diving and the giant dragons of Komodo. The islands of Indonesia are spread over a vast expanse of ocean and technically speaking is divided by two Continents.

Some parts of the Country can be as different from each other as black is from white. The hustle and bustle of the modern capital Jakarta is like another planet when compared to the traditional Papuan tribes of the Baliem Valley. Jakarta - Not only is it the largest City in the Country, Jakarta is also the heartbeat. Indonesian's from all over the archipelago come to the City to try and find their fortune or just to survive. The face of the City is constantly changing due to the construction of new skyscrapers, shopping malls and hotels.

Jakarta is mainly a business and political City and not really a tourist destination, but the older colonial parts of the City are very interesting and the museums have a lot of fascinating exhibits.

Jakarta, like you would expect, is the most expensive place in Indonesia, as well as the most polluted and most congested. It can be very hard to cope with all of the hustle, dirt, crime and cost, but if you can you will find an exciting City with plenty to offer.

Kota - This is the old Town of Batavia, which was the capital of the Dutch East Indies and the best example of the colonial era in Indonesia. Though much of the old town has been destroyed or demolished over the years, some of the old Colonial buildings are still in active use, and the area has a definite Dutch feel to it.

The centre of the old Town is the pebble stone square known as Taman Fatahillah and this is the key to being able to orientate yourself around the sights of the old Town. The canal of Kali Besar is one block to the west of the square and runs alongside the Ciliwung River.

This was a very prosperous area and on the west bank are some of the high class homes that date from the eighteenth Century.

The Chicken market bridge is the last remaining drawbridge from the Dutch era, it is at the north end of the Kali Besar. Buses always come by on their routes and the city train also has a stop here.

Jakarta History Museum - This museum is housed in the old town hall of Batavia, which is on the south side of Taman Fatahillah. It is a well built building, which was originally constructed in 1627 and added to in the early 1700s. It was from here that the Dutch administered their colony, and the cities law courts were also here as well as their main prison compound.

It contains plenty of heavy, carved furniture from the colonial, as well as other memorabilia from the Dutch period. Open, 9am till 3pm, Tuesday to Sunday. Admission: 1,000Rp Wayang Museum - This museum is also on the Taman Fatahillah, and has a great assortment of Wayang puppets. It also has examples of puppets from other Countries like Cambodia, China and India.

This building was formerly the museum of old Batavia and was built in 1912 on the site of the former Dutch church which was demolished in 1808 as the
Dutchman "Daendels" plan to rid the City of its unhealthy areas. In the downstairs courtyard, there are memorials to previous governors who were buried on site. Open, 9am till 3pm, Tuesday to Sunday. Admission: 1,000Rp

Fine Arts Museum - Built in the 1860s, the palace of Justice building is now the Fine arts museum. It has a nice collection of contemporary paintings from prominent artists. They also have some ceramics on show from Chinese items to Majapahit offerings. Open, 9am till 3pm, Tuesday to Sunday. Admission: 1,000Rp

Gereja Sion - This church was built in 1695, and is the oldest Church in Jakarta. It is on Jl Pangeran Jayakarta near the Kota train station. The exterior of the Church is actually pretty plain but inside copper chandeliers, the original organ and the baroque pulpit makes it very appealing. Though thousands of people have been buried here there are very few tombs left remaining.

Sunda Kelapa - Just a 10 minute walk from the Taman Fatahillah, the old City port of Sunda Kelapa is full of wonderful Macassar schooners and the brightly coloured sails of these boats make for great viewing. The ships are still a vital means of transporting goods to outlying Islands.

Guides hang around the docks and for a few thousand rupiah will show you around and tell you some insightful stories. You can also take a ride out to the offshore fish market for around 5,000Rp. Admission, 250Rp to the dock area.

Maritime Museum - This is an old VOC warehouse that was built in 1645 and is by the entrance to the Sunda Kelapa. It has examples of Indonesian crafts from around the ages and has photos of the voyages from Europe to Jakarta. The building itself is well worth the visit and the lookout posts are part of the old City wall.

Just before the entrance to the museum proper, is the old watchtower that was built in 1839, it has brilliant views over the harbour. Opening hours are hit and miss, so try to find the caretaker.

National Museum - This museum, constructed in 1862, is considered the paramount museum in Indonesia, and one of the finest in South East Asia. It has a huge ethnic and relief maps of Indonesia on which you can track your travels. The museum has a variety of different cultural displays that show a diverse collection of clothing, instruments, model houses and religious items. In addition the museum has a fine collection of Chinese ceramics that even date back to the Han dynasty of the third Century.

The museum is sometimes known as the Elephant house due to the giant bronze elephant that was a gift from the King of Thailand, and that now stands outside. Open, 8.30am till 2.30pm, Tuesday to Sunday. Admission: 750Rp. Guides are around who can conduct tours in various different languages.

National Monument - This 130 metres high monument stands over Merdeka square and is Jakartas chief landmark. The construction was started in 1961 but was not finished until 1975, when it was officially opened by President Soeharto. At the base is the National History Museum which tells the story of the Indonesian struggle for independence. On national holidays and at the weekends the queues can be long. Open, 9am till 5pm, daily. Admission: 600Rp or 3,100Rp which includes a ride to the top.

Lapangan Banteng - Just east of Merdeka square is this nineteenth century colonial square. It has some of the best examples of Dutch colonial architecture in the whole of Jakarta. The Catholic Cathedral was built at the turn of the twentieth Century, and is opposite the principal place of worship for Jakartas Muslim community, the Istiqlal Mosque. To the east of the square is the Supreme Court that was built, along with the Ministry of finance, in 1809 by that man "Daendel" to replace those buildings torn down.

The Secret to Successful Cruising

People in every country of the world dream about vacationing, not just in their own country, but overseas.
Despite wishing to vacation overseas in say Europe or South East Asia, there are many individuals who are unable to do so. If you are able to take the time and set aside the money to, you are encouraged to spread your wings a bit. When vacationing overseas, you will see that you have an unlimited number of options. One of those options includes an overseas cruise.

Vacationing aboard an overseas cruise ship has a number of advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the cost of doing so. If for instance you live in the United States, to arrive at the start of your cruise you will often have to make the appropriate travel arrangements yourself. The most viable option is by airplane. The cost of flying to another country can be high and travel time can be long. Despite the length and cost of travel, many find the trip to be rewarding.

The main advantage of vacationing on an overseas cruise ship is that, in a way, you will be having two vacations at the same time. The cruise itself is one, and the excitement of travelling to the cruise is the second. Combined all into one, you have the vacation that most individuals only dream of.

If you are concerned with the activities found onboard an overseas cruise ship, you will not have to worry. Most cruise ship activities include swimming, gambling, singing, and dancing. The only difference between a domestic and an overseas cruise may be the theme. If you are vacationing aboard a cruise ship in Europe, you may find that the cruise ship decor has a European theme or style.

While the activities, services, and facilities found onboard a cruise ship are important, so is the opportunity to see foreign land. Depending on the ship in question, you may dock at a number of foreign ports. When researching the ports of call, it is important to determine exactly how long your cruise ship will stay docked there. Does the ship stay long enough to enable you to go ashore, and explore the area. That is one question you need to ask.

If you have never had the pleasure of traveling overseas, you may find an overseas cruise ship rewarding. If you are able to leave the ship and sightsee, there are a number of attractions that you could visit. This is the time when it often appears that you are on a completely different vacation. One moment you are at sea, the next on land.

Simply by performing a standard internet search, you could familiarize yourself with the city or town that you will visit. In addition to internet search, you may be able to request travel brochures. If requesting travel brochures, it is advised that you request them well before your cruise ship sets sail. By familiarizing yourself with popular tourist attractions, you may be able to visit a number of attractions in a short period of time.

By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you could make the most out of your overseas cruise. Do bear in mind that many of the cruises are extremely popular, and you may need to book well ahead.

Finding Good Deals On Family Cruises

Family cruises can be an incredibly positive experience; they allow you and your family a chance to spend some quality time together while also traveling to exotic or even local hotspots, which can be the experience of a lifetime. There are many family cruise specialists available who are there to help you plan out your trip, including cost and duration. They are also there to help you find the best deal available on family cruises.

Finding a Cruise Deal Specialist

Before you begin looking for that perfect deal for you and your family, it is a good idea to consult one of the many cruise deal specialists available. After all, nothing can really even come close to the ease and value of family cruises. Most of the time, you can find a one-price deal that covers the basic expenses, such as your meals, exciting shipboard activities, and even entertainment.

The most important factor to realize is that the services of a highly qualified cruise expert should cost you either close to nothing, or nothing at all. But if you do end up paying for their expertise, make sure it will be worthwhile by checking their reputation.

Tips to Remember for Family Cruises

Some tips are useful and some are essential when planning for family cruises. Some of the important tips to remember are: Be sure that any kids programs are up and running during the dates of your trip; check the size and location of the stateroom and the guardrails on the beds; know that some ships will have cabins that can sleep five while others have adjoining cabins some cruise ships will even offer special rates for a second cabin for teenagers.

As well, you should always check that medical service personnel will be available; double-check what kind of documentation is required, and be especially careful if your child or children are crossing borders and only one parent is on the trip. Do not forget to budget for gratuities, as this bit of pre-planning is sure to come in incredibly handy during your trip should you encounter any difficulties.

The two most popular family cruise lines are Disney Cruises and Carnival Cruise Line. Both offer a wide array of activities and programs for children and teenagers, and Disney cruises even supply the parents with pagers after they drop their children off at certain playgrounds, while babies can get laid back at the Flounders Reef Nursery.

Travel to Thassos, Greece and Escape the Stress of Everyday Life

By : Martin Kleis
Thassos lies around 12 kilometres from the northern mainland of Greece and is a popular vacation destination for the residents from mainland Greece. It is however, not so popular that it becomes overrun during the high season like some of the more famous Greek Islands like Corfu and Crete.

The feeling of serenity and solitude is never far away and it is definitely a place for those who want to relax and get away from the stress of everyday life.

The scenery of the Island may not be dramatic but it is a very beautiful island, though the old nickname of the "Emerald isle" is sadly now not exactly true as common forest fires have taken away a lot of the greenery. But dont let this put you off this wonderful destination, as it has more than enough to keep visitors coming back with gorgeous sandy beaches and fascinating Hellenistic ruins.

The capital of the Island is Thassos Town which is on the northeast coast and is the main port for the Island. It was built on top of the ruins of the ancient City of Thassos, which at the height of its glory commanded lucrative trade links with as far away empires as that of Egypt and Persia. The ruins of this ancient City is scattered around the modern settlement and it is easy to spend a few hours strolling around gazing at these glimpses into a glorious past. If you would like to see more into the islands past history the Archaeological Museum has many exhibits and is well worth a few hours even if it is just to get away from the sun!

Most visitors to the Island leave Thassos Town fairly quickly to make their way to the coast and the transport network links the Town with pretty much every Village on the Island. The East coast of the Island has some lovely beaches and some attractive and traditional Aegean villages. Panagia and Potamia are favourites of visitors to Thassos and their hillside setting offer wonderful views over the Island and the coast.

The not so originally named Golden Beach is a long and sandy stretch and is easily the best on the Island. The road down from the two hillside Villages is pleasant and not too much of a strain, although there is a regular bus that does the route.

Paradise Beach is further south and while it is not as picturesque as Golden Beach it is a lot quieter and is a great place to relax and get away from the limited bustle of Thassos Town. The views from this little Islet and across from the easily accessible cliffs are magnificent and there is also a small archaeological site nearby too.

The Western coast of Thassos is probably busier than the Eastern coast with more package tours discovering the area every year. The Beaches along this coast are more exposed and consist mostly of pebbles rather than sandy as on the opposite side of the Island. There are a few splendid Villages along the coastline and all of them have wonderful stepped cobblestone streets and stone houses. A couple of these such as Skala Rahoniou and Skala

Marion have little beaches and are starting to attract the development of bigger resorts. Limenaria on the South coast is the second largest Town on the Island and is a popular resort with a narrow sandy beach which can get quite crowded in the summer. Around 15 kilometres from the town is the Village of Theologos which was the capital of the Island under the Turkish occupation and quite effortlessly the most beautiful on Thassos. Its whitewashed houses and narrow streets are still undiscovered by mass tourism and when you walk along the lanes you cannot help but feel you have found your own little piece of traditional Greek Island life!

There are a few hotels in each of the Beach settlements, but the more heavily developed area is on the Western coastline and it is here that most package deal holidaymakers will find themselves. More and more people are hiring holiday villas for their visit and with a hired car it is easy to explore the Island.

Ferries to the Island are regular from Kavala on the mainland. Kavala lies 100 kilometres East of Thessaloniki, where there is an International Airport. Buses to Kavala from Thessaloniki are fairly regular and this is the only way to reach the Island as there is no airport on Thassos itself.

The currency of Greece is the Euro which is divided up into 100 Cents.

Paris: Romance in the City

"I'm off to Paris." Doesn't just the sound of that declaration define the messenger as chic, worldly, romantic, or just down-right cool? Maybe I'm an old-fashioned romantic with an out-of-date vocabulary, but Paris is nothing, if not the epitome of modernity steeped in both glamorous and historic roots. Read on, if you want to enjoy it in style and luxury without giving up the 'entire' contents of your wallet.

A hotel in Paris is a tricky thing: If you're looking for opulence, full-stop, the choice of the famous George V is obvious. But if you are looking for that precious and rare combination of value, luxury, and friendly, unpretentious service, the choice is equally evident: it's the Hotel Lotti.

You will be surrounded by elegance from the moment you enter the lobby, in the ornate Suite Royale Lounge, and your beautifully appointed room. More important to me, however, is that in a city that is not known for its embracing and tolerant attitude toward non-French-speaking individuals, the hotel is an oasis of friendly faces from the gentleman who hails your cab and opens the door, to the General Manager of the hotel, and everyone in between.

For exceptional Concierge services, ask specifically for Jean Baptiste (no, I am not joking). He will hand-pick your restaurant, including the seat and server, organize your theater tickets, and ask you if you enjoyed your evening when he sees you the next morning. Reach the Lotti at +33 1 42 60 60 62.

Sights, Sounds, and Tastes of Paris: There are just to many too list here, but you'll get the idea. The sound of scooters zipping by, the scent of a fresh baguette, the taste of a savory onion soup, or sweet, creamy pastry. It's all Paris.

So, here are my favorite things to do and places to eat. Tour the Louvre to catch a glimpse of Mona Lisa watching you. Forget the elevator and climb the Eiffel Tower by foot. See the stained-glass at Notre Dame when the sun is high enough to come streaming through the window. Stroll the left bank, hand-in-hand. Sample as much French wine as you can without paying for it in the form of a headache later.

Had enough fun for one day? Time to eat. My favorite restaurant is La Mediterranee at 2 place de L'Odeon, tel. 0143260230. You won't need to chew. Everything from the soup to the dessert melts in your mouth, the atmosphere is vie-en-rose, the specialty is fish, and the staff are determined to make it one of the experiences of Paris you'll never forget. Best Casual Bistro: 40 Place du Marche Saint-Honore Tel: 01 42 86 04 24.

Not in Paris for Romance? Try Disney Paris. To me, Disney and romance is not an apt match, however, if the kids are in tow, it's a great way to break-up all the shopping and museum-hopping that some kids loathe. The rides and attractions are not on scale with Disneyworld in Orlando or Disneyland in Anaheim, but it's quite unique to be able to take the Metro from downtown Paris to the ticket-booth in less than 40 minutes.

In the end, you can come to Paris with your best guy or gal, or find someone new. With kids. Without kids. With a smile and the right attitude, you'll come home with a suitcase and belly full of memories.

Allinclusive Blue Mountain Paradise

If you want to escape from modern living and have a highly individual, all-inclusive luxury vacation in one of the most beautiful locations in the world then look no further than Strawberry Hill, a former coffee plantation perched 3000 feet high in the spectacular Blue Mountains of Jamaica.

The plantation was set up some three hundred years ago and once belonged to Horace Walpole, the Earl of Orford, who took the name from his estate in England, although strawberries were, and still are, grown there. As well as Strawberries, the lush gardens and winding trails are also home to some three hundred different plant species, including some very exotic varieties. The main building sits atop a mountain with sweeping views over the mountains and crystal waters of the Caribbean, whilst the guest accommodations are situated on the slopes to ensure complete privacy.

This is no ordinary all-inclusive resort. Strawberry Hill has just twelve Georgian-style guest villas which are absolutely stunning. Each one features romantic four poster bed with delicate muslin drapes, French doors on to spacious private verandas and fully equipped kitchens or kitchenettes. Jamaican art and photographs adorn the walls and bathrooms are simple with terra cotta and hand glazed tiles and deep bath tubs.

Dining at Strawberry Hill is an absolute delight. The chefs combine traditional local dishes and spices with international recipes to create what they call New Jamaican Cuisine. The excellent restaurant attracts not just tourists but artists, writers and politicians from Kingston society who make the forty five minute journey up into the mountains regularly so savour Sunday Brunch and relax whilst discussing the issues of the day. Indeed, Strawberry Hill used to be a bolt hole for the Rolling Stones and the late Bob Marley during the eighties.

As if all this isn't enough Strawberry Hill also boasts the Caribbean's only full serviced Aveda concept spa. The root of Aveda's holistic spa philosophy, Elemental Nature, is based on the five elements found in nature, namely infinity, fire, water, air and earth. Guests are asked to fill out the Aveda Elemental Nature questionnaire when they arrive so that the therapists can create personalised treatments based on your own elemental nature to bring you back in to balance. Some of the wonderful treatments on offer include the Fusion Stone Massage, the Body Elixir and the Himalayan Rejuvenation Treatment which is guaranteed to nurture the body and relax the mind.

The Queen of the Midlands, England

Nottingham - Castle and Pubs

Nottingham is getting some bad press recently with inner city problems of gun crime and burglary. Whilst there is no doubt these problems exist, Nottingham remains for me a great city full of interesting places to see both old and new.

Nottingham is located in the centre of England and is often referred to as The Queen of The Midlands. The City has always been strategically important.

Nottinghamshire countryside provided good hunting grounds for Kings and the forest provided good shelter for outlaws most notably the famous Robin Hood. Although much of the forest has disappeared now, Nottinghamshire still boasts some of the finest woodlands in England with ancient oaks, the oldest of these being the Major Oak. Legend has it that Robin Hood hid in the trunk of this very tree to escape the evil Sheriff of Nottingham.

The city of Nottingham has a rich and colourful history. Here are just a couple of places to wet your appetite.

Nottingham Castle

At the heart of the city stands Nottingham Castle, set on a rocky outcrop of sandstone high above the city. The original castle was erected here by orders of William the Conqueror in 1067.

Henry 1 later replaced the wooden structure with an imposing stone castle. This was to remain for hundreds of years as one of the most important castles in England.

The notorious Sheriff of Nottingham lived here when Richard The Lionheart was on the 'Third Crusade', providing the setting for the legendary final showdown between the Sheriff and the Robin Hood.

The castle provided a rallying point for Charles 11 during the English Civil War. Charles erected the Royal Standard near the castle to mark the beginning of the war. A stone in the centre of the roadway at Standard Hill marks the spot.

There are a labyrinth of caves and tunnels under the castle. The most famous of these is Mortimer's Hole where this usurper to the throne of Edward 111 was captured and later executed.

The original castle was all but destroyed. What you see today is a seventeenth century mansion built on top of the original site. Since the late nineteenth century it has been a museum of world renown, housing thousands of artefacts and art collections. With its dungeons and children's activities Nottingham Castle is well worth a visit.

Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem

Carved out of the sandstone rock beneath Nottingham Castle this is reputedly the oldest pub in the world. Established in 1189, the inn provided rest and refreshment to the Crusaders of Richard the Lionheart during the 'Third Crusades'.

Walking inside is like taking a trip back in time. The pub is associated with many fascinating legends which you can discover over a fine pint of 'real ale'. The pub is said to be haunted - you have been warned!

Nottingham by Night

Whether you want to relax with a drink and good conversation, take in a show or party the night away - Nottingham has it all!

Forget the negative, visit Nottingham with an open mind, a sense of humour and watch out for the famous Nottingham welcome "Hey up me Ducks"...

A Guide to Drinking and Thinking in Nottingham

Welcome to the thinking person's guide to Nottingham. Here is a fun way to find out about some of Nottingham's rich history whilst having a jolly good time!

Nags head
Start your tour at the Nags Head public house on Mansfield road. This used to be the 'last' stop for many unfortunate souls on their way to Gallows Hill. Prisoners were offered their last drink here. It is reported that one such prisoner refused his last drink and was duly hanged just as his reprieve was granted - too late- if only he'd took his last drink!

Lincolnshire Poacher
Walk a little further down the road and cross over to reach your next stop. A warm friendly welcome awaits you at The Lincolnshire Poacher. On offer are a fine selection of 'real ales' and whiskies in an atmosphere that encourages conversation - no TV's or thumping beats here! Originally known as the 'Old Grey Nags Head', there has been a pub here since 1831.

The Peacock
Onwards to The Peacock. This pub has a Victorian feel to it. Comprising of two bars complete with buttons for service - you can get a decent pint of Guinness here.

Golden Fleece
Ever onwards to the Golden Fleece. You can view the deep sandstone cellars through the glass floor whilst drinking a fine malt whiskey or one of twelve polish vodkas on sale. Nottingham is built on sandstone through which run a labrynth of caves and tunnels. They were used for all sorts of reasons including air raid shelters during WW11.

Bell Inn
You will need a bit of a walk after that - so it's on into the centre of town and the Bell Inn. This is one of the oldest pubs in England. Originally two buildings, you can walk down the old alley which separated them. There are tours available if you want to know more about the history whilst enjoying a good pint of Refectory Ale.

The Royal Children
Walk towards the Castle and find the Royal Children on Hounds Gate.
It is thought that the pub got its name when the grandchildren of King James 1 were accommodated here during the last days of his reign in the seventeenth century. The sign outside incorporates a whalebone from the days when whale oil was used as fuel.

The Salutation Inn
A stones throw from the Royal Children you will find the Salutation Inn. Dating from the fifteenth century, it is thought to have been a guest house owned by a religious order. The name refers to the 'Salutation' given to Mary by the Archangel Gabriel as depicted on the sign.
Beneath the pub are caves which are said to be haunted. Ghost walks start from here each week. I've been down there - it really is quite spooky!

Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem
If you're still standing this pub offers a fitting end to your journey. Built in 1189, this is purportedly the oldest pub in England (if not the world); it was a favourite of Crusaders en route to Jerusalem in the times of Richard the Lionheart. Built into the castle rock the place is steeped in history and legend. Discover and discuss over one of many hand- pulled ales on offer - the foods good too!

Finish your tour with a stroll up cobbled streets and view the floodlit Castle and statue of Robin Hood.

Nottingham also has a lot of hotels in and around the City centre. Please don't try to sleep-off your pub tour on a park bench!

Author Resource:- Ann Coveney is a freelance writer and part time school teacher. She can be hired to write articles on a wide range of topics. The web site she uses the most for low cost travel and hotel booking is

Where to Stay in the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic has become a popular destination for all types of vacationers. The main reason is because the Dominican Republic has resorts to accommodate everyone, from families on vacation to honeymooners.

The south coast of the island, from Punta Cana all the way to Santo Domingo, has an abundance of resorts each with something unique to offer. One of the biggest all inclusives in this area is the Casa de Campo in La Romana. This resort is located on over 7,000 acres and has many ways for you to spend your vacation time. From horseback riding and golf to tennis or water sports, this resort has it all. If you get restless, take a walk over to the Marina and do some shopping or have a cool drink and relax in one of the restaurants.

Dominican Republic resorts are very popular for family vacations because of the loads of amenities they offer to keep the whole family entertained and happy. If you have ever wanted a family concierge at your disposal, you must try the Paradisus Palma real in Playa de Bavaro located in Punta Cana. The family concierge will keep the kids happy and safe with activities just for them. They will take such good care of your kids that you will be able to relax by the pool or beach. There is so much for the kids to do; they probably will not even miss you.

If you have teenagers, the Club Med in Punta Cana is a very popular resort in the Dominican Republic for this age group. This resort has special activities for kids of all ages from 2-17 but the teen program is exceptional. At the Ramp, a lounge just for them, teens can spend their days skateboarding, playing tag football or just hanging out.

On the northern coast of the Dominican Republic, near Puerto Plata, there are not as many mega resorts but there is still a big variety to select from. What makes this area attractive are all the things you can do. One big attraction is the Ocean World Marine and Water Park. This park has a sea lion encounter, a shark interaction pool and a huge dolphin lagoon. This area is also very popular with windsurfers and is known as one of the best windsurfing destinations in the world.

To decide where to stay in the Dominican Republic, first determine what type of vacation you are going to take, what part of the island you want to visit, and then chose the resort that suits your needs. You will find there is no shortage of things to do and places to stay at in the Dominican Republic

Hilton Head - A Dream Vacation

Hilton Head, South Carolina is among the most popular destinations for vacationing within the United States. The island was discovered by a British sea captain named William Hilton in 1665. The island was originally developed for indigo plantations, rice and Sea Island cotton. Currently, it is a private resort community of people who have worked hard to preserve and treasure the natural beauty of the land. Located just 95 miles south of Charleston, Hilton Head boasts over 12 miles of beaches along the South Carolina coastline.

More than 2 million people visit the island each year, so there is no shortage of Hilton Head vacation rental accommodations, from the most luxurious ocean front home to the casual condo or simplified economy rental- Hilton Head accommodates everyone.
There are many activities to participate in while staying in your Hilton Head vacation rental, including golf, swimming, bicycling, horseback riding or water sports. It is perfect for a family vacation, a honeymoon, or just a weekend getaway. The temperature of the ocean in the summer averages a very warm 79 degrees, and the climate is mild year round. The white sand of the beaches offers an exotic luxury for vacationers, similar to that experienced in the tropical islands!

Some refer to the island as a foot, due to it's geographical shape, and even call sections of the by feet names- like ankle, heel, instep and toe. You'll have a wide variety of accommodations to choose from in the 42 square miles that makes up the area. If golf is more to your liking, Hilton Head is the place for you! There are greater than one million rounds of golf played each year on the island. In fact, golf lovers get a vacation home year after year just so they can participate in the sport at some of the 36 courses throughout the island. Regardless of where you find your rental home or condo, you're likely to be within a short distance to one of the beautiful golf courses. In addition to standard golf, you can also enjoy indoor and outdoor miniature golf courses for entertainment.

Tennis and bicycling are two other favorite past times for both residents of the island and people staying in the various Hilton Head vacation rental, home or condos for vacations. There are more tennis courts than any other resort of the same size in America. Thanks to tightly packed sand and glorious paths and trails, bicycling all over the island, Oceanside to the forests; it's a pleasure! Even the most particular tastes can find delectable cuisines when staying at their vacation home. There are more than 100 unique restaurants and eateries throughout the Island, so you can enjoy a wide range of flavors throughout your vacation. The ocean offers many opportunities for excitement and recreation. Charter a boat and go fishing, or on a dolphin seeing tour. Enjoy water skiing, parasailing, or kayaking. The warm temperature of the water on the island makes all water sports enjoyable throughout the summer season. Enjoy a Hilton Head vacation rental on the water's edge for maximum ocean exposure!

Getting to Hilton Head Island is easy, thanks to the ability to access the island by land or air. There are a total of two airports, the Hilton Head Airport is located just five miles from the resorts of the island and Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport is about 45 miles south. Driving into the island resort is as easy as driving 20 minutes from I-95, at Exit 8.

Relax And Enjoy In Perth!

Perth, the vibrant capital of Western Australia, is a city with plenty to do. If you are planning for a short holiday and looking forward to excellent shopping, bustling markets, heritage architecture, beautiful parks, stunning beaches, fine wineries and relaxing river cruises, then Perth is a perfect destination for you. It provides you with an enjoyable holiday you will never forget. Below is a suggested 5-day visit of this wonderful place which you can consider for your holiday.

On the first day, you can take a leisurely stroll and enjoy some of Perth city sights. You can explore several of Perth's major cultural and historic buildings, such as Perth Concert Hall, Perth Town Hall, St Mary's Cathedral, Perth Mint and Swan Bells Tower. If you are a shopping enthusiast, you will enjoy shopping in the city malls along the streets. The two main shopping malls in Perth are the Murray and Hay Street malls. Both of the malls are closed to traffic and offer a wide range of specialty stores. Another venue for shopping is the shopping arcade known as London Court.

At Perth's Cultural Centre and Northbridge, you will find the Western Australian Museum and the Art Gallery of Western Australia. The Art Gallery of Western Australia has one of the finest collections of Aboriginal art in Australia with superb pieces of painting and sculpture.

You ought to visit Kings Park, Perth's premier tourist attraction. It provides spectacular views of Perth City and Swan River. The Park's Botanic garden presents a display of Western Australia's unique flora throughout the year. You will enjoy trekking on the tree top walkway which has a glass and steel arched bridge.

On the second day, you can visit Fremantle, which is a major tourist attraction for visitors from all over the world. It is situated at the mouth of the Swan River. This city port enables you to enjoy a range of cultural activities in a relaxed atmosphere. You can explore places such as Western Australia Maritime Museum, Round House, Western Australia Maritime Museum's Shipwreck Galleries, Fremantle Prison and Fremantle Arts Centre. With its maritime history and architectural conservation, Fremantle is a place you can discover both the past and the present. The two popular markets here are the E-Shed Markets and the Fremantle Markets. The E Shed Markets has more than 80 specialty stores offering unique gifts, souvenirs and fresh produce. Fremantle Markets, which is a larger market, has more than 150 stalls selling seafood, gourmet items, clothes, jewelry, antiques, souvenirs, fruits and vegetables.

You can travel to Fremantle by taking a river cruise. You need to book the cruise (one-way or two-way) from a cruise company. The cruise via the Swan River to Fremantle will allow you to relax and enjoy the river scene. Alternatively, you can get to Fremantle by taking a taxi or train ride. If you are traveling by train, you need to take a train from Perth Central Station and stops at Fremantle Station.

On the third day, you can go to Sunset Coast and visit some of the popular beaches near the city. Sunset Coast, which is located in the metropolitan area on the outskirts of Perth, stretches from Cottesloe in the south to Two Rocks in the north. A tour along the stunning beaches of Sunset Coast gives you some magnificent views of the coastline. You can start visiting Rockingham Beach, and then proceed to Cottesloe Beach, Scarborough Beach, City Beach, Trigg Beach and finally ends at Hilarys Marina Beach. Cottesloe Beach is famous for its stretch of pristine white sand. The open-air cafes and pubs along the beachfront and the pine tree lined paths contribute to the relaxing atmosphere of the place. Scarborough Beach and Trigg Beach are popular surfing beaches for holiday makers. Hilarys Marina Beach is a bustling tourist area with a large number of restaurants, cafes, retail shops and beach shade shelters. You can obtain art and gift ware, as well as, beach and surf wear from here. The leisure park in this place has water slides and mini golf.

On the fourth day, you can make a trip to Caversham Wildlife Part and some wineries at Swan Valley.
A visit to the Caversham Wildlife Park gives you the chance to have close-up encounters with a wide variety of Australia animals. The park has animals such as wallabies, emus, quokkas, parrots, galahs, cockatoos, koalas, wombats, kangaroos, dingoes and echidnas. If you want to, you can hold a wombat, pat a koala or feed the kangaroos.

The Swan Valley is Western Australia's oldest wine growing region. Two of Western Australia's largest wineries, together with many smaller family owned wineries, are located in the Swan Valley. The valley is renowned for its range of premium wines. You can taste some of their premium wines during your visit. Some of the larger wineries have restaurants, cafes or tea rooms. At Swan Valley, you can also visit the Margaret River Chocolate Factory and sample some delicious locally made chocolates.

On the fifth day, you can do your last minute shopping at the city malls before you leave this beautiful city of Perth and head for the airport. You can purchase gifts, souvenirs, local products, post cards, etc at the shops at Murray and Hay Street malls. They have plenty of retail shops with all kinds of products available. You will certainly be able to get what you want from here.

This 5-day visit covers most of the highlights of Perth that can give you a delightful vacation experience. If you want to take a break from work and are looking for an enjoyable and relaxing trip, you can consider this 5-day visit of Perth. It will provide you exactly what you need. You will certainly feel refreshed and revitalized! For more information on Perth, you can refer to the informative Travel Channel.

Shoppping for Women's Clothes in Paris

Paris has become synonymous with women's fashion. From the late 19th century, the world has looked to the City of Light for its fashion direction. To take home a piece of Paris fashion, consider the following:

Department Stores

Don't dismiss Parisian department stores as a source of fashion. They can be a great place to see a wide range of styles and designers - all under one roof. The larger stores even have a number of mini-boutiques representing the "big name" designers within the store.

* Galeries Lafayette - Built in 1906, this belle epoque multi-level shopping palace is as much fun to look at as it is to shop in. Each floor circles an atrium overlooking the bustling main cosmetics floor. The store specializes in women's clothing and accessories. The view from the tea shop on the top floor is worth the visit. The Galeries Lafayette offers free fashion shows on Wednesdays.

* Le Printemps - Located near the Palais Garnier, this huge store is noted for its household goods as well as its fashion. The store offers many services for American visitors, including shipping, translation, and a personal shopping service. Printemps offers several free fashion shows each week.

* Bon Marche - Located on the Left Bank, this stylish store was Paris' first department store. Designed by Gustave Eiffel (of Eiffel Tower fame), it is particularly known for its younger, slightly off-beat fashion.

Haute Couture

Since the late 19th century, Paris has been the undisputed Queen of fashion. Designers, such as Chanel, Dior, Givenchy, Balenciaga, and Schiaparelli have all contributed to making the Parisian Haute Couture industry the best in the world. More recently, Christian LaCroix and Karl Lagerfeld have helped to perpetuate that status. Many of the great fashion houses are located in side streets jutting off of the Champs Elysees near the Place de la Concorde.

Getting into a fashion show at one of the major houses can be difficult if you're not an A-list celebrity or have a seven-figure checking account. Your best bet is to enlist your hotel's concierge. (Remember to tip him well.) Failing that, most of the most famous houses have adjacent pret-a-porter (ready to wear) stores, where you can find manufactured versions (but still well-made and tailored) of the singular haute couture fashions.

Les Boutiques

The younger and more modern French designers have mostly opted to open their own retail stores and forego expensive haute couture operations. These stores, with names such as Sonia Rykiel, Thierry Mugler, and Kenzo are largely concentrated in the area surrounding the Right Bank fashion houses, along the Left Bank, and around the Place de la Victoire. Prices are still somewhat steep, but generally much less than those at the "big name" houses.

American vs. French Sizes

French sizes in women's clothing and shoes are completely different from US sizing. Use the following as a guide:

Dresses, Coats, Skirts

* US 4 = French 32
* US 6 = French 34
* US 8 = French 36
* US 10 = French 38

Sweaters and Blouses

* US 4 = French 78
* US 6 = French 81
* US 8 = French 84
* US 10 = French 87

Women's Shoes

* US 5 = French 36
* US 7 = French 38
* US 8 = French 39
* US 9 = French 40

The above is intended to be a guide. There are also slight differences in fit between French and American clothes. French-made shoes, for instance, tend to be slightly narrower than American shoes.

Rich Use Their Choppers More On Holiday

There's no hiding the fact that people in the French Riviera have money. They enjoy the finer things in life and can actually afford to have them. For years this meant owning property or taking a holiday in Monaco or owning a yacht. It seems that isn't enough anymore, though. Yacht owners not only need hot destinations, they also need transportation. Many yacht owners now have luxury cars and helicopters on board for easy transportation options.

The French Riviera to Monaco
Helicopter rentals and charters have been popular for travel between the French Riviera and Monaco for some time. Heli Air Monaco makes flying from Nice to Monaco a breeze, with complete air time of only seven minutes.

Helicopter rides are also available for visitors to tour the Principality of Monaco, the areas surrounding Monaco, St. Paul, Nice and the French Riviera. Tours range from 10 to 40 minutes and provide a priceless view of the beautiful scenery.

Helicopters Used for the Monaco Grand Prix
Heli Air Monaco is the official transportation of the F.O.C.A. The Monaco Formula 1 Grand Prix run around the streets of Monte Carlo is a major sporting event that draws visitors from numerous locations around the world. Having helicopter transportation available during this event allows travelers and media personnel to get from Nice International Airport to Monaco in minutes versus hours.

Luxury Living in the French Riviera and Monaco
The wealthy people of Monaco and the French Riviera want bigger and better things to make life easier. When owning a yacht became commonplace, a super yacht seemed to be the next step in major purchases. To fully explore the world at one's leisure, however, it is almost a necessity to own a private helicopter as well.

Some of the richest people in the world enjoy the luxuries of life in Monaco because of the tax regime. Monaco has been known for generally low income tax rates, making it a great place for the rich to invest their money without paying a large sum of money in taxes.

Aside from the benefits of the tax regime, Monaco and the French Riviera offer the lifestyle of the rich, with places to dock their yachts, tourist attractions, casinos, cultural events, annual yacht shows, and celebrity sightings.

Why Private Jets Have Become a Necessity
Traveling between Monaco and the French Riviera is common for people who own property in one location or the other - and sometimes both. While travelling by yacht has been the norm for the rich in recent years, travellers seem to be in more of a hurry all the time. The addition of a helicopter and helicopter pad to a yacht makes it easier and faster to get from one place or another. It also means adding a pilot and mechanic to the crew.

With the British and Germans spending their holidays in Monaco and the French Riviera, travelling to and from Monaco can be a bit of a hassle. Holiday sales to Monaco are on the rise this year, making waterways and airways busier than ever. Having a private helicopter allows people to travel at a moment's notice in a fraction of the time it would take to travel by charter.

Traveling by personal helicopter is also less time consuming because it allows the rich to travel from the French Riviera to Monaco without dealing with tourists.

A Cruise Ship Vacation - Just What You May Need

Are you sick and tired of all the usual vacation options? Are you looking for something different? Something where you and your partner can relax while knowing the kids are being looked after and at the same time seeing new places. Have you thought about a cruise ship? Yes, a vacation of a lifetime where your every need is catered for while you do not have to do anything if you do not want to.

A cruise ship can be the answer to that nagging desire to do something different for once. Sure, you do have to save your pennies but there are different package deals to suit everyone's budget. Just think about it. It's a chance to travel to far away destinations without the effort. You can make it romantic while still having the children on board with you.

There are cozy lounges and restaurants to have those quiet moments together or there are discos and nightly entertainment for those who wish for a little more excitement. Imagine walking along the deck with your loved one under a beautiful starry night sky out in the middle of the ocean. Wow! Love blossoming all over again.

During the day you can laze by one of the many pools or take a walk around the deck, join in one of the many activities that are available or just enjoy a conversation with someone new. How great is this! And that is only when you are on board. Imagine what adventures you can have when the cruise ship docks and you are free to roam and explore a new country or island.

As a family you can all enjoy the new sights or you can leave the children on board. They will be well looked after by experienced carers who organize wonderful activities for them to participate in. It's a great way for them to meet other children as well as have fun. You then can return and share a lovely lunch or dinner with your family in one of the many eating areas. There is so much food on board that you will never go hungry.

In this day and age there is a cruise vacation to suit everyone. You can have short ones or long ones. You can travel to just about anywhere in the world. It all depends on where you want to go and of course how much money you can afford to spend. But as I said before you can find a package deal to suit your situation.

At first you may think that the cost for a vacation on a cruise ship may be too expensive but when you calculate everything that is included you will soon see that it may cost just as much taking a different vacation where you pay as you go. And I guarantee that on a different vacation you will not have the same opportunities or experiences as you would on a cruise ship.

Malta Airline Fights Back With Cheap Fares

Regular travellers to Malta have never had it so good.

Not only has their choice of airline and airports serving Malta widened considerably, but the perennial favourite of many business and holiday travellers, Air Malta, has fought back against the new low cost airlines with reduced fares and offers of their own.

In their traditional market of flights from the UK to Malta, the airline started a new route from Liverpool's John Lennon airport in May, serving the north-west of England.

As part of their offensive to retain current passengers and to tempt new ones to use the airline, Air Malta are offering clients the opportunity to book flights in advance for this autumn and winter with prices starting from around 20 Euros (around US $25).

If successful the extra tourists for Malta in her off-peak months will be a welcome boost for the island's hotels and holiday trade, coming off the back of a summer that could see a ten per cent rise in arrivals compared to last year.

With official tourism office statistics showing the rise in visitor figures for 2007 compared to 2006, a long period of decline has been reversed for people taking holidays in Malta.

With tourism numbers up, tourism chiefs have seen the magic bullet that has driven the statistics, and also embraced the concept of low air fares.

While Malta has previously received most of their visitors from the UK, the idea of diversification has become possible as low cost airlines operate from most European countries, and the island is already receiving flights from Germany and Spain.

The country has let it be known that they will welcome applications for flights from Scandanavia and other areas of Europe.

The u-turn is now complete, from a backward looking slow to respond tourist office, to one that sees a quick fix to Malta's previous declining popularity as a holiday destination.

Helping Malta's image in the UK, Germany and other countries have been reports placing Malta at the top of tourist safety tables.

An American journalist last year placed the small Mediterranean island of Malta as one of the five safest travel destinations in the world, and a new report from the US this year confirms Malta as one of the safest vacation spots in the world.

This year's report bears more official weight than the previous one by a travel writer, as it was compiled by the US State Department.

Commenting on Malta, the report praises the island for the non existence of organised crime, especially surprising perhaps given her proximity to mainland Italy - and closer still to Sicily.

A surprise for many who have driven in Malta is that the report considers the island's roads to be safe. But this is backed up by official EU figures showing Malta has the lowest road related fatalities in the EU.

Getting Cheap Airline Tickets

Nobody wants to pay a small fortune for an airline ticket these days, And if you take a look around you will see that every where that you look there is some kind of an advertisement for cheap airline tickets especially on the internet but they are also billboard signs, Tv and else where as well.

Now who wants to pay the full price for an airplane ticket when you can get pretty much the same ticket somewhere else for about half of the original price.

If you did not already know it by now, Airline ticket sales has become a huge business in it self, It is not like it use to be where you had to see a travel agent to get a good deal on you travel tickets today you have more options.

When using a travel agent you can get some really good deals but you need to keep in mind that the agents are in business to make money that is what they are in business for, Even though they get you a good deal they get their cut as well.

With internet access these days it is a whole lot easier to do a search to find the best ticket deals, One of the first stops that most people make when doing a search is a fare comparison site, What these sites do is check the prices of many different carriers that offer the flight that you are looking for.

You will have a lot more options if you plan your travel from one big city to another big city compared to the small airports that don't get much traffic.

If your schedule is a little flexible then you may be able to save a lot more money on your flight by changing your departure or arrival dates by a day or so and see if that makes any difference in the price of your trip.

Another Place that you can sometimes find a cheap airline ticket is on an auction site, Yes thats right, sometimes people buy a ticket and for what ever reason they are not able to use the ticket and can not get a refund so in order for them not to take a total loss they will sale it for what they can get out of it.

How ever you find your tickets take a little time to look around there are cheap airline tickets out there just waiting for you.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

5 Tips for Finding Great Australian Car Loans

By : Chris Robertson
Shopping for a vehicle can be both exhilarating and anxiety-provoking. Whether you're in the market for a new or used car, the prospect of driving it off the lot and owning it is incredibly exciting. Still, buying a vehicle is accompanied by so many unknowns.... Am I getting a good deal? Will owning the car be hassle free, or will I experience the headaches of taking it in time and again for repair? And, most of all, where can I find low-cost car loans?

After all, next to buying a house, buying a vehicle is the biggest single expenditure you'll ever make. And, if you're like most people, you don't have the money to pay cash for your vehicle. Car financing is a godsend, but if you aren't careful, in the long run you could end up owing more than your car is worth. How do you find a car loan that will enable you to buy the car of your dreams without getting into financial hot water? Here are five tips to consider:

1. Find financing before you buy.

All too often, people go car shopping without enough information about car finance and car loan interest rates. It's in your best interest to find a financing package that will work for you before you take a test drive. That way, you'll know exactly what you can afford and won't make an impulsive decision that you may live to regret.

2. Understand your options.

When it comes to car loans, one size doesn't fit all. Your unique financial circumstances and your choice of vehicles determine which car loan is best for you. For example, car loan interest rates may be the most important factor for one person to consider, while another might be more concerned with the length of time that the loan approval process will take.

3. Use a car loan calculator.

Available online, a car loan calculator will give you a quick snapshot of what your potential payments are for different loan amounts and varying terms. Take advantage of these online services, which will typically allow you to enter the amount of the loan, interest rate you'd like, the term of the loan, and the final balloon payment you're willing to make. In a few seconds, you'll be able to see what your monthly payment will be.

4. Consider what will be covered.

When you are looking at car loans, consider whether or not you will need more than the purchase price of the vehicle. For example, some companies allow you to finance on-road costs and taxes, car insurance, extended warranties, and loan protection.

5. Get quick quotes from an online source.

An established company with a Web presence has access to many different financing companies, and is most likely to provide you with the loan terms you need and a speedy approval process. For example, you may need a delayed first payment, interest only payments, or extended finance terms. In the case of a used vehicle, they can also help ensure that the title is clear and that there are no outstanding loans from the prior owner.

The process of finding good car loans doesn't need to be a hassle. Indeed, when you work with the right company, you can soon own the car of your dreams.

Top 5 Paris Attractions

By : Matthew Marrone
There is an old saying which states that Paris is the place where all good people go to die. It is the combination of historical charm, modernism, and a heady underworld which makes Paris a fantasy tourist destination. It is the top 5 Paris attractions which draw people to this great city, again and again. Beyond the Eiffel Tower, and the Louvre there are attractions which take visitors by surprise and in doing so create memories that last a life time. Below are a few of the hottest destinations in Paris. If you visit Europe, for work or pleasure, be sure to find the time to explore these attractions.

Paris is an old city and with history comes a great deal of memories. It is within France that these memories are replicated in stone. Paris is the capital of France and the city of monuments. This beautiful city is home to hundreds of monuments and intricately carved structures which dominate the cityscape. The Eiffel Tower embodies the essence of the city of lights. It is the most famous and visited of all the cities attractions. The tower was built in 1889, as a physical and tangible representation of all things French. It was created only to be a temporary structure and was to be taken down after the world's fair. It remains today as one of the most recognizable and most visited (6+ million visitors per year) monuments in the world.

One of the most photographed places in the top 5 Paris attractions is the Louvre. This small castle is now home to a number of paintings and sculptures by famous artists. Arguably the world's most famous art museum, the Louvre's most popular piece is Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa". It was established in 1793, and is one of the oldest museums in Europe. Its art collection spans from the birth of great civilizations up to the 19th century. An amazing 5,000,000+ million tourists visited the museum in 2002.

Another attraction is the Centre Pompidou. This is actually the museum which houses all of France's greatest masterpieces by modern artists. The Museum has large collections of paintings spanning the 20th century and including works by the most famous artists (Picasso, Braque, Max Ernst, Magritte, Chagall, Matisse, Delaunay, Kandinsky, Klee and many others). The Centre national d'art et de culture Georges Pompidou was the brainchild of French President Georges Pompidou who wanted to create an original cultural institution in the heart of Paris completely focused on modern and contemporary creation, where the visual arts would rub shoulders with theatre, music, cinema, literature and the spoken word. Some 6 million people pass through the Centre Pompidou's doors each year, a total of over 150 million visitors in its 25 years or so of existence.

The Notre Dame Cathedral is an attraction that can not be overlooked. This is the most breath taking and spiritual structure of Paris. It is here that the world's first true basilicas can be found. Some would assert that they are the best in the entire world. The Notre Dame Cathedral was built in the 12th century and has since remained a solid structure and representation of French gothic architecture.

In 1870, the Sacre Couer or Sacred Heart church started being built. The structure is preceded by an exerting 237 step stone staircase. Inside the church you will find one of the worlds largest mosaics "Christ in Majesty" that depicts Christ with outstretched arms. From the top of the dome, you have a stunning view of Paris extending over 30 kilometers. With a long tradition of culture and art, Paris should always be on your list of European destinations.

London on a Budget

By : Matthew Marrone
Visiting London on a budget may seem impossible but it can be done if you choose traveling options off the beaten path. High tourist season is typically early April through late September. If you can opt to vacation there from early October through late March, you are likely to find less expensive airline tickets to and from London.

Once you're in the Square Mile, you'll have unlimited options for having fun, sleeping cheap and eating well without spending a wallet full of Euros. Typically, the second most expensive aspect of traveling abroad is the hotel stay, second only to the airfare to get there. Depending on the time of year you travel and your comfort level, your options are wide open.

Consider a home exchange. There are many home exchange facilitators, you can run a web search to find one you like. Members will pay an annual fee, usually $50 to $100. Most house swaps are offered in 1 week increments with a minimum of 2 weeks and you don't necessarily swap your house with the same family whose house you will stay in. You might stay in a London flat while the family of Londoners stays in a home in Thailand while the Thai family stays in your home. Other than the annual fee and possibly a small swap fee, typically under $100, this is a free stay. Of course, you have to be comfortable with a group of strangers in your home while you're away.

Summer holidays in London, while airfare will be at its peak, can still be cost efficient if you don't mind staying in a university dormitory. Many universities throughout Europe, including in London, rent out their empty rooms for about $100 per night during summer and other school breaks. You won't find perks like room service or even a private bath, but the price is right if you just need a place to lay your head.

Religious or not, you can rent a basic, clean room at one of the many convents and monasteries in the London area. You aren't required to participate in any religious activities and nearly all convents and monasteries will rent to ye of little faith, no faith or a different faith.

As for fun and sightseeing, avoid the rental car and driving around town; strap on some comfy shoes or rent a bike instead. No need to search for a tiny parking spot or learning to drive on the opposite side of the street and you can stop to smell the roses whenever you like. Start each day in a different direction and go wherever the wind takes you.

Public transportation is an adventure on its own and can take you all over the city and even into the countryside. Take the London Underground rail system or a double decker bus for a few pounds. London is also working on an above ground rail system to help facilitate great eating deals include take out (called "takeaway") meals. The Value Added Tax (VAT) can be 10% or more on dine in meals. VAT isn't charged on takeaway. The added bonus is you get to choose the view or find a great place to eat and people watch.

Eat un American. Try picking up a late afternoon lunch at an ethnic or vegetarian restaurant. You'll not only find some great deals but you'll enjoy a wonderful new dining experience.

Follow or ask the locals. Employees at petrol stations (gas stations), grocery stores and your hotel front desk will likely know some out of the way dining establishments that offer great food for the budget minded.

Understand that budgeted travelers should be flexible and consider their trip an adventure. You might find a hotel, with reliable quality, to be worth the extra money. Dining at a pub might be great for the locals but you may not have the tolerance for fish and chips. Get out there and have fun.

Favorite African Safari Destinations And Safari Preparation

By : Dean Caporella
Taking an African safari is an exciting holiday choice for many people however, given the nature of such an adventure, there is a required amount of due diligence to perform before you actually take off for the wilds of Africa.

I want to briefly highlight some areas of interest in this article which you will be able to expand on further by conducting more research or talking with your travel agent. So what part of Africa do you want to visit?

Botswana Safari

For sheer contrast in landscapes Botswana is the ideal candidate. From the dry arid lands of the Kalahari desert to the rich, life blooming Okavango Delta, Botswana offers many options. Because of it's tremendous contrast, Botswana is a perfect choice for first time safari seekers. It has a deep history and and the choice of safaris range from mobile to fly ins.

Kruger National Park

Undoubtedly Africa's best known safari destination, Kruger has been officially in existence since 1926. Set in South Africa and formerly known as Sabie Park before being expanded and re-named more than 80 years ago, Kruger has been a safe haven for many animal species due to the threat of over hunting. Since being opened to visitors, Kruger has drawn visitors to it like a magnet however, there are certain codes of etiquette you'll need to observe.

Kenya Safari

Kenya has been described as the "grand daddy" of African safari destinations because it is the birthplace of the traditional safari. Like Botswana, it offers plenty of diversity in both landscape and fauna. The Masai people are almost legendary around the world and the safari options are numerous. One of the favoured safari tours is the Gorilla tour. However, think of an animal in Africa and it's likely to be in Kenya... elephants, lions, giraffes, zebras, cheetahs... all you'll need is good working camera.

Tanzania Safari

Tanzania would just about be this author's favorite safari destination. Tanzania is East Africa's largest country and as a history student, it conjures up images of a rich, exciting and sometimes violent past. What it has to offer both in landscape and fauna is quite staggering... Kilimanjaro, the Serengeti, wildlife and some amazing national parks. In fact, if it's wildlife you're interested in then Tanzania is pretty hard to beat.

These are just four areas on the African Safari trail well worth considering however, throw "into the mix" safari destinations in Namibia, Zambia, Mozambique and Zimbabwe plus consider short term safari options to major landmarks and areas and you begin to appreciate that vastness that is Africa.

Are there any dangers? Well sure, but tour operators are extremely over zealous about the safety of tourists that this almost doesn't become a concern. Preparation for an African Safari is of the utmost importance and not only will you need to do homework on the intended area of visit but there is a little matter of "housekeeping" to perform as well. What to take? Clothing;light or heavy, personal care items, passports, money, sunblock treatments: your tour operator will be able to give you a shortlist to consider before leaving the country. The latter just about becomes the most important part of the trip because if you get it right, then your African safari experience becomes a whole lot more attractive.

Author Resource:- Dean Caporella is a professional broadcaster. Plan your nextafrican safariby reading the latest news and reviews at:

Road Trip - Barcelona to Milano by Car

By : Matthew Marrone
While a road trip from Barcelona, Spain to Milano, Italy can be made in under 10 hours, the adventure couldn't be complete without a few stops along the way. Driving along the Spanish coast through Marseille, Toulon, Nice and Monte Carlo almost begs of a two or three day journey to take it all in.

Out of Barcelona, you'll start on B-10 then take C-58 / C-17 as you head toward AP-7. Now would be a good time to fill up on petrol and pick up thirty Euro for the tolls you'll encounter.

Your next road change will be to C-33 with a toll of 1.25 EU. That will be followed by E-15/AP-7 and another toll of 10.50 EU. You will have traveled 160 km by this point and will be entering the country of France and the city of Girona. Take in a museum here. The Museu del Cinema offers an interactive journey into the history of the cinema, from Chinese shadows to the magic of television. Located at Sequia 1, Girona.

Coleccion de Automoviles de Salvador Claret offers a collection of more than 300 vehicles including cars, lorries, motorcycles, velocipedes, bicycles and engines in addition to an aviation collection. Located at Sils, Selva, Girona. There are many other museums as well, including Museu d'Historia de la Joquina (a toy museum.)

Continue on AP-7 through Capmany, stopping for a quick tour of the historic Capmany castle, dating back to the eleventh century. Stop in for some tapas and a sangria before driving on AP-7 for a while longer. Take A-9/E-15 at the exit.

You'll have to buy another toll ticket at Le Perthus and again at Montpellier 2 and 1. Beware, there are speed cameras at A9 km marker 102.3 and A9 km marker 59.7. Exit A-9 at exit number 25 onto A54 toward Nimes, Arles and Marseille.

Take N572 / E80 followed by N113 / E80. If you are getting tired, consider resting your head on a pillow in Saint-Martin-de-Crau, France. This small town is quaint and thick with history. They offer a charming Friday morning market you're sure to enjoy.

Out of Saint-Martin-de-Crau, take A7 / E714 / E80. You have many tolls to go, make sure you have plenty of Euro on hand. Close to Marseille, take A8 / E80. Be wary of speed cameras at A8 km marker 147.0, A8 km marker 148.0, A8 km marker 149.0, A8 km marker 151.4 and A8 km marker 196.8.

Stop in Cannes or Nice along your way for a bite to eat and a visit to any one of their dozens of museums. Don't forget to sample a few French pastries along the way as well.

About 40 km out of Nice you'll pass into Italy. Take A10 / E80 for about 50 km then head toward Milano. You can stop along the way at Genova, also called Genoa, and take in some sites there. Acquario di Genova is the largest marine park in Europe and is appropriately located on the waterfront at Ponte Spinola. A revolving view of the city is available at Bigo, located in the Porto Antico area.

Out of Genova, you'll take A26 to your final destination, Milano, Italy. Have a cookie on us!
Author Resource:- PLR Travel Articles provides travel related articles such as this one on a monthly basis. We have a team of writers with varied worldwide travel experiences ready to provide you with 30 quality travel articles a month. PLR Travel Articles

Fun Maui Activities on a Budget

By : Jeremy Thompson
When planning a family vacation to Maui, expenses can really start to add up. However if you know what you're looking for and plan wisely you can find inexpensive Maui activities that can prove to be just as much fun as the pricey ones.

There are a variety of fun, inexpensive Maui activities to suit the interests of any Maui vacationer. Among these activities are some of the most popular in Maui, including snorkeling, whale watching, and hiking. Although these activities can be costly in some locations, if you know where to look you're bound to find the perfect spots that won't cost half of your vacation budget.

One of the most popular activities to do on your Maui vacation is snorkeling. There are an endless number of beautiful beaches with crystal clear water and colorful coral that is perfect for viewing Maui's underwater life. Many dive shops rent out snorkeling gear at a reasonable cost, as little as $10 a week. And if you go with your own equipment it won't cost you a thing.

Another extremely popular inexpensive Maui activity is whale watching. The warm waters of Hawaii are perfect for huge humpback whales to raise their calves. You can view these magnificent creatures starting as low as $15 for a 2 hour tour.

If your preference is to stay on land and see some of the beautiful scenery that Maui has to offer than two inexpensive Maui activities for you might be hiking or going on a scenic drive. You can see mountains, breathtaking waterfalls, and gorgeous Maui plant life on a hike through places like Haleakala Crater National Park. Hike the over 27 miles of trails absolutely free. Your only cost will be for the film in your camera that you'll definitely want to bring. And for only the cost of gas you can experience much of Hawaii on a scenic drive. Winding roads such as the Road to Hana give you another perspective of Maui's landscape and culture.

Finally, one more inexpensive Maui activity you'll want to fit into your schedule is a day on the beach. With some of the best white sand beaches in the world your Maui vacation wouldn't be complete without a day at the beach. Pack a picnic lunch and your sunscreen and relax in the warm rays of the Maui sun.

There are so many things to see and do when you plan a trip to Maui. Don't break the bank by trying to do it all. You can experience the beauty of Maui on pennies a day when you include some inexpensive Maui activities in your itinerary.

American Landscapes from an Artist's Perspective

By : Renee Nemerov
"I see a wonderful mix of color and drama in a landscape while driving by, and I can't wait to translate my view of it into a painting. Or sometimes I see a photo that will do the same thing, although my view of it will not be literal, but impressionistic, or expressionistic. The variety of scenic wonders of America are endlessly inspiring."

In the East are the scenic green hills and distant blue and purple vistas of the Blue Ridge Mountains which run through several states. Between these breathtaking mountains are many picturesque rivers, streams, waterfalls and whitewater rapids.

The winding Rio Grande river in Big Bend, Texas offers towering cliffs, massive canyons, and vast dessert expanses. There is an incredible variety of geologic activity from uplifted limestone in the Sierra del Carmen range, thick mud shales at Hot Springs, and volcanic craters of the Chisos Mountains.

Then, in Northern New Mexico, the mountain roads twist through time and terrain, contrasting vermilion desert cliffs and snowy alpine peaks, 13th century stone dwellings, and the birth of the Atomic Age at Los Alamos. The area around Abiquiu is often called "O'Keefe Country" in honor of Georgia O'Keefe. This area is the setting for many if not most of her paintings. It is a ruggedly beautiful Southwest landscape including Echo Canyon, Ghost Ranch, and countless other rock formations.

Surrounded by red-rock monoliths named Coffeepot, Cathedral and Bell, is Sedona, Arizona. Also near the city is a chasm cut through by Oak Creek, with wildly wonderful rapids, and towering high above them is the geologically dominating Mogollon Rim, formed from ancient deposits of limestone, mudstone and sandstone. This awesome rim constitutes the southwestern boundary of the vast Colorado Plateau which extends into parts of five other states.

And, of course, there is the famed Grand Canyon, a very colorful, steep-sided gorge carved by the Colorado River in northern Arizona. It is largely contained within the Grand Canyon National Park. The canyon is about 277 miles long, ranges in width from 0.25 to 15 miles and attains a depth of more than a mile. Nearly two billion years of the Earth 's history has been exposed as the Colorado River and its tributaries cut through layer after layer of varicolored rock.

Lake Powell, created by the Glen Canyon Dam, is 186 miles long with more than 1,986 miles of shoreline.
It wends its way through a desert paradise with excellent vistas of multi-colored, towering rocks, pinnacles, buttes, arches and amphitheaters. Blue water, clear skies, sandy beaches complete the picture.

Monument Valley in Utah is an area of free standing sandstone rock forms that rise majestically from the desert floor. Up to 1,000 feet tall, they create a truly magical desert landscape that looks surreal, like mountains on the moon. Also, in Utah, are many spectacular sights in various state and national parks.

A complete contrast to the desertscapes of the Southwest, California and the far west present fertile, lush green hillsides punctuated by briliantly colored flowering plants. Below the hillsides, on the coast, are the crashing and pounding surf, blue expanses, golden beaches, rocky coves, of the Pacific ocean.Big Bend, in Texas, is one of the largest national parks. From an elevation of less than 2000 feet along the winding Rio Grande river, to nearly 8000 feet of towering cliffs, it includes massive canyons, vast dessert expanses, and the entire Chisos Mountain range. There is an incredible variety of geologic activity from uplifted limestone in the Sierra del Carmen range, thick mud shales at Hot Springs, and volcanic craters of the Chisos Mountains, to dinosaur remains near the park's Maverick entrance.

Then, in Northern New Mexico, the mountain roads twist through time and terrain, contrasting vermilion desert cliffs and snowy alpine peaks, 13th century stone dwellings, and the birth of the Atomic Age at Los Alamos. The area around Abiquiu is often called "O'Keefe Country" in honor of Georgia O'Keefe. This area is the setting for many if not most of her paintings. It is a ruggedly beautiful Southwest landscape including Echo Canyon, Ghost Ranch, and countless other red rock formations.

Surrounded by red-rock monoliths named, among others, Coffeepot, Cathedral and Bell, is Sedona, Arizona. Also near the city is the mouth of Oak Creek Canyon, a chasm cut through by Oak Creek, with rapids that are wildly wonderful. Towering high above Sedona is the geologically dominating Mogollon Rim, formed from ancient deposits of limestone, mudstone and sandstone. This awesome rim constitutes the southwestern boundary of the vast Colorado Plateau which extends into parts of five other states.

And, of course, there is the famed Grand Canyon, a very colorful, steep-sided gorge carved by the Colorado River in northern Arizona. It is largely contained within the Grand Canyon National Park. The canyon is about 277 miles long, ranges in width from 0.25 to 15 miles and attains a depth of more than a mile. Nearly two billion years of the Earth 's history has been exposed as the Colorado River and its tributaries cut through layer after layer of varicolored rock.

Lake Powell, created by the Glen Canyon Dam, is 186 miles long with more than 1,986 miles of shoreline. It wends its way through a desert paradise with excellent vistas of multi-colored, towering rocks, pinnacles, buttes, arches and amphitheaters. Blue water, clear skies, sandy beaches complete the picture.

Monument Valley in Utah is an area of free standing sandstone rock forms that rise majestically from the desert floor. Up to 1,000 feet tall, they create a truly magical desert landscape that looks surreal, like mountains on the moon.

A complete contrast to the desertscapes of the Southwest, California and the far west present fertile, lush green hillsides punctuated by briliantly colored flowering plants. Below the hillsides, on the coast, are the crashing and pounding surf, blue expanses, golden beaches, rocky coves, of the Pacific ocean.

"I am currently painting various series of my interpretations of these contemporary American landscapes which may be seen on my internet website."

5 Great Honeymoon Destinations In The US

By : John Morris
Whether you are looking for a quiet, laid-back stay or an action-packed vacation, chances are you will find a destination that suits the desires of you and your partner for a romantic honeymoon in the United States.

1. Hawaii

With its pristine beaches, tropical scenery and wide variety of foods, activities and tourist spots to keep you busy, Hawaii is a popular choice for countless honeymooners from around the world. Hawaii offers a number of tourism options for the various types of guests it hosts each year. Some visitors might opt to rent a car or take a guided tour around the island they are staying on. By exploring the islands of Hawaii, guests will enjoy discovering serene waterfalls and spectacular views of the beautiful beaches that lace the outskirts of the islands. Perhaps one of the most romantic Hawaiian pastimes comes in the form of watching a sunset with your new spouse. For the active couple, Hawaii offers a number of top golf courses that honeymooners can enjoy. One of the more popular activities is to attend a Hawaiian luau.

2. Niagara Falls

Couples can register to get a guided boat cruise around the falls. For a fun night out, honeymooners can visit Casino Niagara, conveniently located right across from Niagara Falls. For honeymooners who enjoy day trips the scenic Catskill Mountains are not located far from the falls. There are two "sides" of the falls, the US side and the Canadian side. The Canadian site give you a much better view of the falls so don't forget your Passports!

3. Florida

Vacations in Florida are ideal for honeymooners. Disney World offers special honeymoon vacation packages to cater to those looking for a romantic getaway. There are even a number of Disney resorts that attract couples rather than families. If theme parks are not your cup of tea, consider a trip further south to Key West or Miami. These areas offer classy resorts, sprawling beaches, and plenty of attractions that will keep both you and your significant other happily busy.

4. Las Vegas

If you have money to blow and you're feeling lucky, Las Vegas is the place for you. In addition to gambling, you will find shopping, nightlife, and even a short drive to the Grand Canyon where you can sit in your car and look out over the moon.

5. California

California here I come! There is a reason the Beachboys wrote so many songs about the California coast. There are so many potential honeymoon destinations it's hard to name them all. If you want a more quiet honeymoon you can visit Carmel or Santa Barbra. If you want a more adventurous honey moon you can visit the L.A. area where you can visit Universal Studios, Disney Land, Knotts Berry Farm and Magic Mountain.

Author Resource:- For more great honeymoon related articles and resources check out

Monday, March 31, 2008

The Aspen Music Festival...Where Top Muscians, Artists and Teachers Perform

By : RC Rougeux
In 1949, the school and Aspen Music Festival was founded by visionaries Walter and Elizabeth Paepcke. They believed the combination of art and nature improves peoples souls. Hence, the location of the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Over 50 years later, their inspirations cover every aspect of the festival and school. From all over the world 800 young musicians attend this renowned school.

Also, every year the school invites more than 70 guest artists and 165 teachers from across the world to attend to and teach the students and also perform. This gives the students opportunities to perform as participants along with some of the greatest musicians in the world as part of their training. It has inspired fledging musicians to mature into some of the most gifted and creative classical artists in the world, from Paris to New York, from Tokyo to Rome. In fact, its one of the world's premier schools and learning grounds for pre-professional none!

The Aspen Music Festival is in a class of its own. This event takes place every summer in the Aspen area. It's a classical music festival and is internationally renowned. It presents excellent, beautiful music in a small Rocky Mountain town setting. This nine-week program encourages the students to develop their talent and skills through the classes they attend by playing and performing. Master classes, recitals, individual lessons and concerts are all part of the curriculum and last the entire summer while they are there.

It's important to point out the lessons for learning are not only limited to the classroom. The students also perform in concerts in which the students perform with their instructors in the Aspen Chamber Symphony and Aspen Festival Orchestras. In addition, students are members of three orchestras maintained by the school. This renowned school alumni fills many music positions who perform in opera houses, school faculties, in music, and other top-tier orchestras across the globe. David Zinman is the music director who has spent half a century in the Aspen Music Festival and school. This year the students will celebrate his birthday along with the birthdays of composers Mozart and Shostakovich.

Normally Aspen is thought of as only a winter ski vacation area. But, as you can see there's much more to this beautiful town in the Rocky's than just skiing. It has the beautiful 2,050-seat Benedict Music Tent, This beautifully sounding and award-winning permanent structure debuted in the year 2002 to provide acoustics to the beautiful classical music. So, come on out. If you think you may be interested going to the music festival many of the concerts and events are free. Some cost $70.00, but there are quite a few recitals and performances in the 9$ to $42 range. Of course, if you tired of hearing music, there's always the famous Aspen nightlife...and celebrities and much more welcoming the new and seasoned vacationer.

Aspen and Big Sky Ski Vacations

By : Francis Lua
There are a lot of vacations you can plan for your family or friends. It will be great if for those who planning for adventures and fun vacation and one of the most exciting events will be skiing. Aspen Mountain has long been known as the playpen of the rich and famous and it is. But it is also a great place to take a family ski vacation. Christmas in Aspen is especially wonderful. Aspen Mountain rises above the town of Aspen, with a top elevation of 11215 feet and a vertical drop of 3269 feet. There are 76 trails suitable for beginners, intermediates, and experts, accessible by eight lifts, including seven chair lifts and one cable car line.

While Aspen has much to offer skiers, as well as those who enjoy the night life in a ski town, you should expect lots of crowds and lift lines on the slopes. Again, this is the playpen of the rich and famous, and many people choose this ski vacation spot simply for that reason as well as for the great runs and nightlife.

There are numerous places to stay in and around Aspen, with more than 100 restaurants to choose from as well. Ski instructions and equipment rental are abundant in the area, and snowboarders are welcome.

Big Sky Ski Vacations

With all that Big Sky, Montana has to offer skiers, it is amazing that so few know about its existence. Known for its wide open slopes and short lift lines, Big Sky Ski Resort has one of the largest lift served vertical drops in the United States. Over 5300 acres of ski slopes and trails await skiers, with over 33 feet of snowfall each season.

Big Sky Ski Resort features twenty three lifts, 220 trails, and a 4350 foot vertical drop. The top elevation is 11154 feet. Along with the ski lifts, there are also two cable car lines available. While there are beginner slopes, most of the slopes are geared toward intermediate and expert skiers.

There are many places to lodge in Big Sky Resorts Mountain Village, which rests at the foot of the impressive Lone Peak Mountain. Enjoy Sleigh Ride dinners, ice skating, parties, snowmobile tours, and a variety of community events. At Big Sky, there are no strangers. Big Sky, Montana is one of the highest rated Ski Resorts in the United States, and there is something here for everyone.

Live Your Life To The Fullest In San Diego

By : NamSing Then
San Diego boasts of one of the finest town planning and its maintenance in America. Located on the South Western coast of US, San Diego is on the northern tip of the State of California. San Diego proudly houses the University of California. The city is a dream for any new comer even if he has a longer stay here; there is a never ending list of places of tourist interest in and around San Diego.

San Diego City Governance and Population
The census of 2000 puts the population of San Diego at 1,223,400 with whites being the dominant community at 49%. Hispanics constitute a good 25% of the total and Asians making up 14%. Blacks count upto 8% here making San Diego fabric a completely cosmopolitan culture.

Total number of households is 450,691 and married couple constitutes 201,213 households. In all, the city ranks 2nd in terms of population in the state. San Diego is the economic hub which has 3/4 s of large business houses. There are 13 colleges, 6 large retail centers.

Tourist Attractions
The world-class attractions include Balboa Park, The Zoo and Wild Animal Park, Cabrillo National Monument, Sea World, and Old Town State Historic Park, which attracts more than 6mn visitors every year.

How do you make your itinerary with so much to visit? It is better you hire a tourist guide to show you around. But if you want to go alone, here is a suggestion.

1. If you are a beach type, 70 miles of beach beckons you with blue sky and gentle Mediterranean climate.
2. San Diego Zoo is world famous for all good reasons like rare species of animals (numbering 4,000 in all), its expanse and cool and picturesque environment.
3. Harbor Cruises, with a heritage of maritime history offers a serene boat ride between Mediterranean and beautiful skyline.
4. Bolboa Park, which is America's largest cultural park, offers 25 museums from horticultural to astronomical.
5. Sea World, known very well for star Shamu, also boasts of 'trips' to Atlantis, chilly Penguin Encounter, Shipwreck Rapids, a splashy river ride.
6. Explore the Embarcadero, taking a walk around aircraft carriers and watercrafts. There is also a shopping area which is maritime-themed.
7. Old town is another thing you would not want to miss. The old town is in the neighborhood, complete with Mexican restaurants and buildings.

Nightlife in this city is the biggest attraction with as much as 8 gay and lesbian clubs an numerous clubs & bars. There is a comedy club too, which open all night. There are 2 nude beaches, Blacks Beach and San Onofre.

Author Resource:- NamSing Then is a regular article contributor on many topics. Be sure to visit his other websites San Diego Apartment, Super 8 Motel

Hot Destination Caribbean

By : Francis Lua
When it comes to vacation destinations that are all about having fun in the sun, nothing beats the Caribbean. Situated just to the south and east of Mexico and north and west of Venezuela, South America where the waters are clear and the sun is hot, a Caribbean travel vacation has something for everyone whether you are one for water sports, hiking, swimming, diving, and just plain frolicking in its white sand beaches.

But traveling to a hot destination like the Caribbean can be quite expensive, and for this reason, many people balk at the idea of a Caribbean travel. Indeed, why spend so much on a single vacation when you could visit much cheaper vacation destinations? Never mind if these places do not even come close to what a Caribbean travel entails.

What if we told you that there is a much better way to spend a vacation? What if we told you that you can go on a Caribbean travel vacation without having to spend a lot of your hard earned money?

A Caribbean travel for less. Now, there is a thought.

Below are four chic hotels where you can keep the island flavor high and the prices at a bare minimum while on a Caribbean travel vacation.

Flash and Glamour Anguilla

The most northerly of the Leeward Islands in the Lesser Antilles, Anguilla is an island known for the flash and glamour of many of it resorts. For this reason, the island is a popular Caribbean travel destination for many visitors who want to bask in the compelling charm, romance, and excitement that the islands are known for.

Rendezvous Bay Hotel and Villas may not have all that flash and glamour, but it lacks in that department, the hotel makes up for their own location and fantastic rates starts at hundred dollars while villa costs few hundred dollars. This Caribbean travel resort hotel offers rooms, all sitting directly on fifty palm laden acres of fronting a one and half mile long sugary sand beach. The resort has been recently renovated, offering white tile floors and simple rattan furnishings, and is divided among a dozen low rise buildings.

Another worthy hotel group is Ku, its name meaning sacred place in the Arawak Indian language. With room rates starting at two hundred ninety five dollar, these twenty seven suite hotels overlooks Shoal Bay East and are South Beach Chic, with minimalist white decoration, air conditioning, and full kitchens.

Honeymoon Favorite Antigua

Located just south of another popular Caribbean travel destination of Barbuda. Antigua markets itself as a luxury Caribbean travel escape. Its many hotels and resorts located around the coastline are all favorites when it comes to honeymooning while on a Caribbean travel.

While you do not have to be on your honeymoon to enjoy Antigua island charm, the Cocobay Resort location on a hillside facing the Caribbean Sea makes for a very romantic atmosphere. The idyllic hotel is made of forty seven Creole style cottages in soft pastel hues with rates that are very affordable at two hundred forty dollar.

Hybrid Beat Bahamas

If you want a decidedly patrician vibe during your Caribbean travel vacation, then the Landing, a seven room inn on Harbor Island is exactly for you. There are no televisions, no phones, or Internet connections things that distract you from the sheer beauty of the beach a few blocks away. And for only two hundred forty dollar, you can get one of the bay view rooms, which offer the best views of the harbor and comes with crisp white linens, terraces, and four poster beds.

Author Resource:- Francis Lua
Find out more information at
at my website which is at

Better Place for Vacation

By : Francis Lua
There is no superior starting place for your travel to Spain than the grand and enchanting streets of Barcelona. There is never a dull moment in this city that literally never sleeps, especially in the summer months. Barcelona is studded with the unmistakable modernism of Antoni Gaudi, who single handedly landed the city on the architectural map. A stroll down the grand avenue Passeig de Gracia will take you directly in front of both Casa Batllo and Casa Mila, which are incredible feats of art and design and fully accessible to the public. Make reservations to have cocktails and watch the sun set on the Alice In Wonderland like rooftop of Casa Mila only available for the summer season. Wind your way through the narrow passages of the Gothic Quarter, the oldest part of town, until you find the overwhelming and unmistakable Gothic Cathedral just remember to watch your pockets.

Just an hour north of Barcelona in the town of Figueres is Northern Spain most interesting and unique museum. The Dali museum is so extraordinary because it was designed and constructed by the artist himself and the collection of his works is unsurpassed anywhere else in the world. The coastline north of Barcelona, extending to the French border, is known as the Costa Brava and is one of the Mediterranean most exclusive and beautiful vacation destinations. Additionally, Catalonia countryside is spotted with superb Spanish wine vineyards and olive groves. Once you fall in love with Barcelona, it will be extremely difficult to leave; however, there are a few other gems in the north to explore in order to have really traveled Spain.

As a port city for the Romans, Barcelona early residents settled in over 2000 years ago but outside the museums you will find little evidence of the city Roman past. For a brief time, in the 400, the city became a Visigoth capital under King Ataulf. By the 19th century, during the rise of Art Nouveau architecture and modern town planning, Barcelona experienced a rapid increase in population.

While in the Gothic Quarter you can see building of the middle ages, it is Barcelona Art Nouveau architecture that enhances the city uniqueness.
For those who are planning to visit Barcelona taking a long break will be the right option so that you would not miss anything. One could easily spend 2 or 3 weeks in Barcelona and still not give the city its proper due.

Author Resource:- Francis Lua
Find out more information at
at my website which is at