
Monday, February 11, 2008

Adventure Travel - an Exciting and New Experience

By : Dave Poon
I think it's safe to say that everyone of us has been on a trip to someplace or another during our lives. But if you haven't traveled lately, you might not have notice a new segment of traveling that has recently gained popularity. Yup, that's right; I'm talking about adventure travel. This new way of enjoying a trip is not only for young people. Oh no, not at all. It's really for that that is young at heart and loves the feeling of an adrenaline rush. Hey, and who wouldn't love that?!?

If you think back and reflect for a bit, it's really no wonder that standard travel has lost some of its appeal. Yup, it could even be considered predictable and boring. With the prices of airfare coming down and the common "vacation package" being all too common, conventional travel has become, boring, overcrowded and nearly stifling. The sense of going somewhere, or the sense of adventure is sorely missing in today's world of standard travel. Until adventure travel busted onto the scene few years back that is. With adventure travel, traveling can once more attain that high that we seek to leave our everyday lives behind.

What exactly is adventure travel, you ask? An adventure travel trip for example can offer you a very different way to experience an otherwise popular or mundane destination. If you think about it, a lot of people have been on a Caribbean travel trip. They would visit the same beaches, relax in the same hotels, the same boat drinks and drive along the same old roads and check out the same tourist attractions. But check out what the same trip but adventure travel style could offer you. You could take an eco-trek hike through the lush rain forests; you can see the bugs up close, the wonderful variety of birds and wildlife. Maybe camp out with local tribes and learn about their lifestyles, their culture, their food and costumes. At the same time, maybe visit unspoiled beaches not frequented by standard travelers. All this while within close distance of popular tourist attractions and destinations, yet far far way from anything remotely considered standard.

What about the land Down Under, Australia. Many travelers normally settle for the same old, staid, boring city hop across the country, while you could, as part of an adventure travel team, hot air balloon your way across the continent, snorkel in the great barrier reef or waltz with the mathilda or two in the wild wild bush country. How does that sound as opposed to sitting in a hotel room just like any other?

There's reason adventure travel is so popular. We need to experience something different, something more than what our lives has to offer. This unique and exciting type of travel may not be for everyone, but it certainly not restricted to the teens and tweens only. More and more, older folds are trying it out and having a blast. You too could be the one to head out on an adventure travel trip. There's nothing stopping you. Do it now!

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