
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Caution When Traveling Overseas

By : Eric Seminara
You need to take care of yourself wherever you are, but even more so when you are traveling. It is easy to fall pray to an illness when you are in a foreign land because your body has not yet had the opportunity to shift to the atmosphere, cuisine and environment in a new place and this can have consequences. Traveling can put you in contact with germs that your body simply isn't used to.

What you need to remember if your traveling overseas is to find out what vaccinations you'll need initially because many countries maintain different requirements. In the United States, call your doctor or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to get a list of the important vaccinations. You'll need to allow plenty of time for this step in case you need to get vaccines that require more than one dose.

The three most prevalent afflictions that occur when traveling overseas are jet lag, altitude sickness, and diarrhea. When you travel globally, the change in daylight can confuse your body, resulting in jet lag. Jet lag can cause any number of problems from an upset stomach, to insomnia, and lethargy. You can avoid jet lag; for example, when traveling from west to east, you need stay out of the sun until a day after you've arrived. If you're traveling from east to west, exercise or take a walk after you touch down.

Dry air, a decrease in oxygen, and low barometric pressure are what cause altitude sickness. When you travel to a greater altitude than that to which you're used it can be a common problem. Issues such as dehydration, shortness of breath and headaches can plague you. Find out what elevation you're traveling to before you go this way you can prepare yourself.Slowly increase your altitude every day to get used to it. If that isn't possible, cetazolamide can help prevent symptoms. Check with your doctor before you set off .

Diarrhea can be a grave issue. Traveler's diarrhea is called turista, and is usually the result of a foreign microbe entering your digestive tract. This usually can occur when you consume food or water that has been contaminated. To prevent turista, be cautious of the food you eat and the water you drink on your trip.
Author Resource:- Eric Seminara likes to help fellow travelers who also may not be as well versed in overseas travel as he is. Go go CruiseShipVacationsOnline.comto find more information about overseas cruise travel.

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