
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

African Animal Safari - Our Two Top Safari Picks For 2008!

By : Dean Caporella
One of the keys to enjoying an African animal safari is to do your homework before you leave.

Homework means doing a little research on the animals you intend to see. Many people who think African animal safari want to see the big five which is understandable however, don't forget that Africa has so much more to offer in the way of wildlife.

The "big five" comprise the African lion, elephant, leopard, rhino and buffalo. Yes, they are exciting to see in the wild but Africa's bird wildlife is spectacular and should be included in your itinerary.

African Birdlife

Southern Africa is one of the world's most diverse birdlife havens. From South Africa's Kruger National Park to Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe. bird watching will consume a good deal of your time.

The best times to see African birdlife in all it's splendor is from October through to April. Birds migrating from other areas of the globe intermingle with the locals and this simply adds to the fascination. When the birds are out, so are the predators and for those looking for nature at it's most active, this is a great time to be on an African animal safari.

Animal Wildlife Havens

South Africa is a great starting point for animal enthusiasts who plan to take in several of the major regions. Kruger National Park is the best known reserve in South Africa but others such as Cape Peninsula, Addo Elephant National Park and the St.Lucia Wetlands are certainly worth exploring.

If you plan on a long stay, Botswana is a must include on your itinerary with the Okavango Delta a major attraction while Chobe National Park, with it's abundant elephant and hippo river presence is another itinerary must.

Namibia, Zambia, Kenya and Zimbabwe are well worth visiting during a long African animal safari.

Overcoming Time Limitations

One of the pitfalls of this type of trip is spending too little time in each area. If you appreciate the nature of such a holiday, animals won't always perform when you expect them to and it more often than not becomes a game of patience.

Travelers will find themselves needing to spend more time than originally thought in one destination. Our tip is to limit your visit to one or two major destinations if your time is limited.

If you are battling time then the two areas worth putting at the top of your list are Kruger National Park and the Okavango Delta. These attractions encompass much of what Africa has to offer and should leave you with plenty of lasting impressions.

Author Resource:- Want The best tips and tricks in preparing for an African safari vacation? Don't spoil your African safari trip by being unprepared.

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