
Thursday, January 3, 2008

Alps in the Fall

After the hordes of tourists leave the Alps because fall brings cooler weather, it’s a perfect time to visit Switzerland and the breathtaking Swiss Alps. Prices fall and staying here is so much cheaper. Don’t think because prices are cheaper that the sights are no longer breathtaking. The air is still pristine and the tree foliage starts to turn making for an abundance of color and beauty.

The first frost usually appears in late September or early October. This is the time when you want to visit unless you want to come for skiing. Most hotels are desperate for tourists so they lower their prices so most all of the hotels are very reasonable. Restaurants run specials so eating out is cheaper too. For the budget conscious, this is the perfect time for a visit.

This is an especially good time for hiking. The air is just cool enough to make hiking fabulous. The trees are gold, scarlet, and certainly make hiking an unforgettable experience.

If you are an expert hiker, you still need to be very aware of the weather which can change and become dangerous very quickly. Inexperienced hikers should take a guide and make short trips. You probably will also want to take food because many places close when the tourists leave.

If you want beauty, incredibly clean air, and hiking in paradise, visit the Swiss Alps in the fall.

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