
Saturday, January 5, 2008

Madame Tussauds Wax Museum

I know you are probably thinking how tacky, a wax museum. Big deal! Well, it is a big deal. When I went in London I had a great time. I looked at all of the people, had my picture taken with some of them, and got scared in the dungeon. What more could you ask for?

Madame Tuddaus is a landmark in London. It is also a very busy place and always full of tourists. Still, you can walk around at your own pace and see what you want. You can stay all day if you want. It is fun and campy. I went over ten years ago so many of the “famous” people may no longer be there. They tend to be trendy.

All of the figures are dressed in really interesting costumes and really look like the people they double. I guess Michael Jackson has had many incarnations since he is always changing is look. You really know you have made it when a wax statue is made of you. I don’t know anything about the process but guess it’s nothing like the way Vincent Price did it in Murders in the Wax Museum. Just joking.

The dungeon is creepy. It is dark and has the kind of music you always hear when you know someone is going to die soon. There are several vignettes of Jack the Ripper, the most famous of all London bad guys.

If you want to avoid horrible lines, go early or go to London in the off season. Even though some might say “tourist trap,” I disagree. I loved it.

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