
Thursday, January 3, 2008

London England

What an incredible place to visit, especially for first time European travelers. At least you don’t have to learn a new language although speaking and understanding people from England does take a little practice. Everyone is so friendly in England; the pace is as slow or as fast as you want to make it; and everything you have ever wanted in a city is only a walk away.

For first time travelers, London is the place to start. You might base in a London hotel and travel though the city for a week and not see everything. You can visit Palaces and humble cottages which were home to famous poets. You can visit cathedrals known the world over or find the birthplace of the Methodist Church. You can see first rate London shows or see offbeat London street performers. There is something for everyone in London.

One piece of advice; don’t travel unless you must in the summer. There are hordes of people in London in the summer. The temperatures can range from 99 to 50 in the course of a day. There is little or no air conditioning in London unless you stay in a very expensive hotel. There are few hot days so there is no need for air conditioning, but on those rare hot days, we spoiled Americans will wilt pretty quickly. Touring London in the off season is so much better. There are fewer lines, less traffic, and much less stress.

If you can, book several walking tours of the different sections of London. Obviously, you can’t walk all over London because it is huge, but you can walk with a historian through many famous sections. A bus tour is a must and probably should be booked for your first day. See everything, enjoy the sites, and make new friends. London is one of the best places in the world. As a poet once said, “If you are bored of London, you are bored with life.”

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