
Thursday, January 3, 2008

Tower of London

I know what you are thinking - Tower of London - tourist trap of the world. Not so. There may be tourists everywhere, but this is one of the most interesting historical buildings in all of the world. The tower is the last place many very important people saw before their deaths.

Think of Sir Thomas More; he lived in the tower while he waited for justice. Unfortunately, justice never came. He died for his faith and his beliefs. All he had to do was sign a paper saying he agreed that Henry VIII was not married to his first wife and approve of Henry’s marriage to Anne Boleyn. Many people would have signed the paper and never given it a second thought, but Sir Thomas More chose death rather than lying. People today could certainly learn something about character from him.

While we are on the subject of Anne Boleyn; this is where she spent her last night hoping against hope that Henry VIII would change his mind. He didn’t and she was be-headed by a French swordsman. Henry already had another wife in mind. Anne was in the way.

Think of the little princes. The mystery of their deaths has never been solved. We all think Richard III probably had them killed, but definitive evidence has never been found.

Many British traitors breathed their last breaths here before they fell to the ax. Of course, there are no longer executions here, but the tower was a horribly feared place in its time. No one wanted to be sent to the tower. Few people lived long after being sent to the tower of London.

When you visit the tower, think of its historical importance. A thing of horror and pain for most who were sent there, the Tower of London lives on in history.

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