
Saturday, January 5, 2008


If you truly want to see the beautiful people, you must go to Monaco. Although this is a tiny country, it is a beautiful place to visit and has a rich history. If you really want to understand how small this place is, think of New York’s Central Park. Monaco is quite a bit smaller than this lovely New York landmark. Remember though that sometimes wonderful things come in small packages.

Although the Greeks once owned this small country, the Romans, yes them again, overran Monaco and clamied it until it was bought by the Grimaldi family who still own it today. In fact, they are the world’s oldest monarchy. Even though historially Monaco is very interesting, it is a very modern city with skyscrapers and many moderrn buildings.

Of course, when the Royal Family is not in residence, tourists may visit their Palace. The Palais Princier is a castle that dates back to the 13th Century. Inside are some of the incredible and priceless antiques you will ever see in one place. It is equisitely decorated, and, of course, photograpy is forbidden. I would definitely buy the gift shop books. They are worth the money for sure.

Whether you like to gamble or not, you have to visit the Grand Casino which is Monaco’s major money maker. They make so much money with the casino that there is not income tax in Monaco. Do visit and enjoy yourself, but don’t lose the farm. The view from the casino is not to be missed. Now you can visit the big spender rooms but can’t play the tables unless you are a really big spender.

Monaco is a not to be missed part of Europe. Pretend you are the reincarnation of Grace Kelly and rule the city while you are there.

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