
Thursday, January 3, 2008

Travel Channel

If you get the Travel Channel, you really should check out their programming. They have some really wonderful and informative programs. This morning I watched my DVR recording of the Ten Best Castles in Britain. I had visited six of them; the other four I now want to visit.

Even though I had seen more than half of the castles shown, I loved re-living my visits. Seeing Windsor Castle, Warwick Castle, and, my all time favorite, Leeds Castle was so enjoyable this morning. I even learned a few tidbits of history that I didn’t know or didn’t remember from my visit.

I had not visited the castles in Cornwall or Wales; seeing them and the countryside made me want to plan a trip right now. I love the King Arthur stories and seeing even remnants of those legends was awe-inspiring. The coastline was fabulously craggy and steep. The countryside was wild and reminded me of the moors in Wuthering Heights. I know it’s not the same area but seemed so similar.

I also watched a really funny show where the host is stranded in a country with no money, nowhere to stay, and must rely on the friendship of strangers. It was a hoot. He was left in Transylvania. When he first arrives, he doesn’t even know where he is. He learns about the place just like a regular tourist but doesn’t pay for anything. People are so sweet and helpful. He does see the inspiration for Dracula’s Castle but no vampire ever lived there. That was disappointing but the program gave the viewer a personal look at the rich cultural history of the city and a feel for its people. I was interested in the fact that many people spoke excellent English.

Check the listings for the Travel Channel. It is full of wonderful destinations and travel tips. Don’t forget our site, but give the Travel Channel a whirl.

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