
Thursday, January 3, 2008

Language Problems

Many people put off traveling in Europe because they are afraid of the language barriers. If this is your fear, try a European city that is English speaking. Of course, England, Scotland, and Ireland come to mind as the best places to start. Visit these cities where you can read the language and speak it as well. You may think sometimes you are speaking and listening to a foreign language because British, Scottish, and Irish people speak with stronge accents. They don’t speak American but are fairly easy to understand if they speak slowly and you listen intently. After you have visited these countries, you will feel more comfortable trying a non English speaking country.

Most if not all European cities where English is not the official language have English speaking people in hotels, restaurants, and stores. Because hordes of Americans visit European cities, these businesses know they must make us feel comfortable and safe. If you are still not convinced, book a tour with a multi-lingual guide. He will make your trip easy and you will be able to see the sights without the worry of trying to understand non-English speaking people.

Don’t let the language barrier keep you from exploring the most wonderful places in the world. Forget your fear and you will find that not speaking the language will not keep you from enjoying any wonderful European city.

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