
Thursday, January 3, 2008

Sites and Attractions of Cabo San Lucas

Cabo san Lucas is world famous and people from all over the world travel to this area for a vacation. There are many sites and attractions for tourists of all ages at this location. Cabo san Lucas has been made world famous for its sport fishing in Marlin Alley. Today most people travel to this area to do some of the best whale watching of any where in the world. If you are looking to just relax and enjoy your time then you can lie out on the beach and soak up the sun.

At one point in time Cabo san Lucas seemed like an out of the way holiday spot as it was hard to get to. People who traveled to this area were seen as the elite of the world as they could afford to spend the money to get to this area. Today however, with more international airports and flights people are able to travel to Cabo san Lucas quite easily and quickly. At one point in time very few hotels existed in this area but due to the fact that it is such as great tourist area hundreds of hotels have been built over the years. Some of these hotels are quite expensive while others were designed for people who are traveling on a budget.

The town of Cabo san Lucas itself is situated at the southern shore of Baja California. It lies at the intersection of the Carretera Transpeninsula and the Southern Cape Highway. This makes this area ideal for driving and cycling. The town itself is bustling with frenzied college kids and high-rolling golfers and sport fishers as well as hundreds of other tourists.

The one downfall to Cabo san Lucas is that it does not have any street numbers so if you are looking for something in particular you may soon realize that it is not as easy to find as you may have once thought. However, all the people of Cabo san Lucas are friendly and in most cases they are more than willing to help out the tourists in any way they can.

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