
Saturday, January 5, 2008

Malmaison, Oxford, England

The Malmaison Hotel Chain is known the world over for its distinctive and unique style, but even they are living on the edge as they open their newest hotel in Oxford, England. Just when you thought there was nothing new under the sun, Malmaison opens a hotel in a converted prison. Yes, I did say a prison. Because this new hotel has the Malmaison name, you know this old prison will have comfortable rooms, a light and airy style, and the latest in fashionable furnishings. Still it’s a prison.

If you are interested in staying in a truly historical place, Malmaison Oxford is definitely a place you should consider. Most historians think there has been a prison on the grounds since 1166. In 1236 the Chancellor of Oxford College was allowed to use this prison for Scholars who strayed from the doctrine of the College. Later Christ Church located at Oxford donated meat and supplies to the prison for its inmates.

The prison that is now on the grounds of the ancient prison was updated in the late 18th and early 19th century. Now that was a long time ago, and finally the prison was closed in 1996 because it was considered too old to serve as a prison any more.

After extensive renovation, the new hotel opened this November. Because this is a historic building, the architects, as much as possible, kept the original layout and many of the antique fittings. There are 94 rooms in this slightly weird and eccentric hotel. Some rooms will be the original cells with two cells converted into the room and one cell to be used as the bathroom. The walls had to be torn down and the décor changed to luxurious rather than austere. There are some very deluxe rooms in the Governor’s House, but what would be the fun of that. If you want the real prison experience, but in comfort and style, choose the converted cells.

For the squeamish, this hotel is not dark and dank. It will not feel like a prison unless you have an overactive imagination like I do. If I ever go there, and I hope I will, I will try my best to channel the original ambiance of the prison. Call me crazy but I have always had an affinity for old prisons. They fascinate me and the chance to stay in one is a once and a lifetime opportunity. I want the luxury of a nice hotel but the history of the old prison. This hotel sounds like a great place to visit and enjoy history at the same time. Most of Oxford’s “powers that be” hope that this luxury hotel will start a re-emergence of the area. There is already talk of new restaurants and shops that will help to re-gentrify the area so you better hurry and make a reservation before the tourists take over and change it forever.

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